I've been struggling lately with mental health (worse since the war began). The magical inositol was hugely effective against anxiety symptoms and I was thrilled. But...I began to notice really significant cognitive lapses and memory problems. Not just normal "oops, we all forget stuff" but really striking disorientation and confusion. Pouring white wine in my tea instead of soymilk (understandable, similar bottles side by side). A few days later, shook up a bottle of kefir without the top on, sprayed it everywhere. I set things down and it's an arduous whole-house scan to find them again, as I have zero memory of where I put them down moments before. Scary shit.
I wake up zombified some mornings and feel weird in my head (which triggers stroke fears). I have SOB and chest pain periodically, more in the evenings. Cardiac stress test (chemically induced as he doesn't want me on the treadmill) coming up June 2nd. After that, I figure either:
--they'll find nothing cardiac (so the options I know of are anxiety, esophageal damage from GERD or remotely--since I never wheeze--unusual asthma).
--they'll find some blockage or other, which hopefully could be fixed (STENT or surgery), after which I'd be able to exercise again w/o fear.
I'm grateful to the cardiologist for listening to me (reading my message). I told him: I completely accept this could be aggravated anxiety symptoms, or GERD, or perhaps a lung condition, or something cardiac. But I'm exhausted from not knowing and have developed a phobic fear of exercise, especially alone. Embarrassing but true.
So once I have that test I will KNOW MORE. That's what helps most. Just getting to the reality of what I'm dealing with, symptom wise.
But the cognitive stuff, striking confusion, generally knowing my brain wasn't working right...I finally asked myself, is this due to the big dose of inositol? I cut it by 75% overnight and notice the brain is working better. Don't know why it happened but it does seem the best explanation, as it was the biggest change.
Studies often use huge doses to investigate new substances -- for inositol vs panic, the dose was 18g/day. I took 12g for weeks. Now I'm taking about 2. I'll cut it out entirely if brain fog doesn't go entirely (apart from NORMAL aging effects).
Hasn't been fun. Emotionally/mentally, I've been in rocky shape lately. Dysfunction at home bigger than usual, and I rarely go anywhere.
Socially, despite having people I love, there's still the pattern of FB and texting having taken over. So the phone doesn't ring. Conversations don't happen. The loneliness has become a way of life. So....reaching to Pooch and to crows for some sense of connection. Sad.
Anyway, I am trying to reach out more. I just hate being the ever-initiator. But now's not the time to worry about that.
Re-entry after two years of isolation is proving a big challenge, I'm sure for everyone. I remain the strictest among my friends about risk taking. Omicron is still here, though going down. People right and left still get it and for older folks, it's still dangerous. Booster shots wear off after 4 months so vaccination isn't a gold ticket. I will feel better after Booster #2 once they release it. (Pfizer).
This too will pass and I can get better. Just needed to vent about it. Wish so wish SO wish I had a daily companion. A little 5-minute vent a day, plus a have-your-back human and an occasional hug, would set my world to rights.
Thanks for listening, Amazons.
PS -- POSITIVES: Sun is out today, after another cold/snow snap. Tonight I do a new poetry group (online of course) which could be good. I Zoomed with my poet friend yesterday. Can't get excited about going back to church but it's open again, when I'm ready. Pooch is funny, sweet and fills my heart. I fear her aging too. Afghan family's doing better; father got his license and a member donated a car!