I've got a good load of things to talk to my T about this week. Sometimes, given how longwinded I am, it's hard to fit them into 55 minutes. So thought I'd try condensing part of it here, kind of outlining it in order to organize my thoughts before we talk.
Good News: May sound silly but this is biiig. My "paralysis" and ADD-associated (though maybe it's also been unrecognized depression-associated) clutter and disorder at home has changed in an unexpected way. When I randomly thought about trying the SAD light anew the other morning -- now I am worried I already told y'all this but whatev -- I just did it, and the whole day was amazing. I tidied up and finished things and put away stuff and just stayed in a positive, productive mood all day long. I didn't recognize myself. I ate healthy food and was more active and just felt more alive.
I felt a connection to my home that was happy and loving. In some weird way it was like being loving to myself. I feel as though it was a big and surprising breakthrough, my brain's response to the light. Circadian and more.
So I used the light again yesterday with the same energy result and this morning too, and I'm going to keep it up. It's SO extreme, the contrast. Inescapable. In a funny way, I'm also wondering if having that patio rebuilt was a giant act of self care. ??? Seems to have jogged something loose. I still read and wrote and did lots online, but every time I took a break I DID things that needed doing, from laundry to food to dog etc.
The SAD light seems to affect me in a very direct and dramatic way now --moreso than I've felt it before, though it always "worked" to a degree. All of it positive.
I would donate a toe if I could keep this uplifted, different feeling, but I know not to have too many expectations. I could be having mood shifts for other brain reasons I'm not clear about. But I sure have been liking it.