No need to edit, that makes perfect sense.
I am clear now and feel relieved.
I may need to figure out the right response when the next cycle starts. Last time we talked I mentioned that I can get distressed and feel quite upset for a while after she describes an anguishing argument with him, or the cruel things he says.
But her last comment was just rationalizing it all as "Celtic temperament." They fight, argue and she almost depicted it as cute, an old Scottish couple "blethering." Not even the actual meaning of "blethering" but I think it's giving her a survivable narrative to think of it that way. She is utterly unable to face the idea of leaving, and that's her right. Though it's sad to me. That's my problem.
I'm really a little fed up (with myself) and want to remain compassionate but not hooked into the cycle of denial with her. Ultimately, it just makes me sad. For her. And indirectly, him too.
Anyhow, NOT MY BUSINESS. Thanks for the reminder to tend to my own. I've got plenty of work to do right here.
PS They are not married, though they had a "commitment ceremony" quite early in their relationship. I attended, wrote a poem for them, but remember thinking that it felt premature (nice party, though). The house is in her name and their finances are separated. So, to extricate herself, she'd really just have to require him to leave. They just moved to her daughter's state and he's enjoyed having a family (his Dtr is in France and his felon son in rehab, and all they want from him is his money). But in basic terms, he would have to move out or move on. It won't end otherwise and I've stopped imagining it will. She says, if she lost him she'd be very very sad. I believe her -- one can love an abusive mate. But to me she's living in constant sadness and has signed over her future. He's likely to die first. Then she'll be alone anyway, but with family support, which makes a huge difference. She's just not interested in serious therapy or changing the relationship so I'm OUT of the advice business. My job is only to learn how to listen without internalizing it all.
It's not my pebble. My nose needs a rest. LOL.