Author Topic: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)  (Read 15577 times)


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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2023, 01:41:13 PM »
You're highly active, healthy and STRONG!

I so miss having a strong back. It's out again. Can't bend, lift, twist, kneel, etc. Just in time for gardening (not). Do have a neighbor who volunteered to plant.

Looking into a human-height fork or small hoe so I can keep it weeded. Hope hope.

Enjoy your mountain spring, Amber. I can't imagine how lovely it must be. Even the air...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2023, 11:27:42 AM »
Physical labor in the sun, is what drains me. I slept at least 10 hrs after planting 18 brassicas and a short row of taters. Later, I arranged tables in the barn for my gro lights and seedlings. I don't participate in the race to produce the very first home grown tomato of the season - I want maters when the season ends.

Thinking I really want a root cellar. Called the contractor to discuss studio & deck renovations. Buddy that I bought the backhoe from is up for a couple weeks cause of some family funerals. Need to pick his brain for what might need fixed next. i hope he doesn't say tires; I just bought a new replacement top for my rubicon, which i've been driving till B fixes the transmission issues that the "new to me" old jeep has. Trailer has been getting a workout lately - B needed to lease/fill/swap welding gas bottles and they didn't have all the gases at one time. Hol is using it today to pick up a large dog kennel, for the new puppy she brought home yesterday.

New puppy is a female, half Irish Setter and Great Pyrenees. 6 months old. She wants to try to breed her with S' dog, a big chocolate lab - Beeb. Beeb and the new sweetie pie are getting along fine. Knuckles hasn't been introduced yet, because when she tried... (Knucks & new girl on leash)... Beeb acted out of character and became protective of her. So Knucks spent the night with us. They'll try introductions again today, sans Beeb.

New girl is bigger than Knuckles, but since he's solid muscle he outweighs her for now. As a Pyrenees cross, she may not get as heavy but she is definitely gonna be a big girl. I don't think he'll have any issues with her; the "issue" will be how Beeb tolerates Knucks with the female around. Care and training is all on Holly, because S is gone so much. She knew this, so in mom's presence there will be NO whining & complaining.

The reality of it is, it is gonna tie her down here even MORE than she already is. We'll see how that plays. And if they do get puppies, it's going to have to be her "side business". I can't imagine how much just the dog food will cost, much less the vet bills. I'm not sure she's actually mapped the business side of all this out yet. We'll see.

Buck is helping a LOT; and it's easier working with him than with Hol. We think more the same, see the same things, I think.  He got the garden all tilled up and is helping dig for transplanting a couple larger plants/shrubs. I have more bare root herbs coming in this month, I think. But I may have to call them on the credit card change. The stimulator is working well enough for him and he's regaining some weight, that he's been busy. Another followup on the 21st, then he'll run back to collect another load to move... fix some things on the house... get ready to permanently be here.

He's been here since early January and things are still cozy & comfortable & easy. We're both hardheaded - but it's about mostly different things and so we don't actually disagree about much. Mostly, it's that he thinks he should do someething FOR me, that I CAN and WANT to do, myself. "It's casual", as he would say. And no, we don't have long drawn out analytical discussions of our "relationship"; too busy just doing it and enjoying it.

There just ain't enough time in the day to worry ourselves over things that are a) none of our business and b) out of our control.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2023, 10:30:48 AM »
Well, it's been almost a month and at yesterday's post-op follow up the Doc looked like he wondered why we were there. He's healed quickly, the stimulator is doing what it's intended to do - with minor adjustments, as needed. It's been 4-5 years since the stuff was completely removed due to the staph infection they gave him - then wouldn't treat. The few times he WAS able to get a high enough, long enough course of antibiotics was augmented with my herbal A/B tinctures.

We've been struggling along together during all that time to make the "plan come together". We're happy with the results now. It should NOT have been this difficult. And it wasn't the docs, throwing up obstacles or delays. It was the so-called "health insurance". It should be called "health roulette". Hol recently ran into the same meat grinder for some needed dental work.

B has been here since the first of the year, this time. Being together with him is STILL easy & cozy. There is a perceptible difference between us, in values/traditional backgrounds and his lived experience is pretty much all military but there is enough in common that we can relate & commiserate & laugh at, that we have our own "us" bubble. We can both tell just by looking at each other, how the other feels - even if it remains impossible to actually "feel" that.

One more week, then we set the plan for him to go back and get the next load. That "plan" is adapting, as time goes on, as to how quickly he's going to finish up - or be able to finish up - the work involved. He's not accepting help offered; still. I think it's 'coz he accepts the responsibility for cleaning out his "old life" before settling into the new one. He won't be gone long, because he needs to be here the beginning of June for the pump refill. But with the stimulator added to the pump's pain relief... he can do much more now. Faster, too.

I've noticed that when his "old life" jumps up and becomes an irritant, the pain levels jump too. There is a definite psych or neural pathway route side to all of this pain issue. I'm offering as much support as possible on that side of things and his perspective on that - the perception of the significance of the "irritant" - is shifting. Since I have a few things that do the very same thing to me, I'm sensitive to the reactions - even when he doesn't say anything.

Hol & S are still not a sure thing. Maybe it's just the different personalities/life experiences or lack thereof. Maybe it's her intense verbal & mental over-analyzing and tendency to mind-reading other people.... I dunno. That's her stuff to work through and figure out. Here lately, she seems to be asking for/demanding some magical knowledge from me that will make everything "ok" again. But I confess, I'm clueless what she needs. And after 45 years, I'm hoping to retire from the "mom business", ya know? And listening to her kvetch about him, isn't my idea of quality "girl time".

A giant problem for her, with him, is that he needs (or has said he needs) so much alone, disassociated time and he just isn't verbally communicative about what's going on with him - or why - for her to understand. So she resents being alone so much IN a so-called relationship. He relies on her to take care of the daily chores & make him comfortable.... and the reverse doesn't apply. Not even the chimney fire and her lingering angst over what DIDN'T happen, motivated him to help or hold her. She sees all this clearly.

Now, I KNOW y'all see this for what it is, just as clearly as B & I do. And despite me saying repeatedly that I just couldn't do that with anyone... she is locked into "not deciding" - going so far as to creativelly problemsolve to find a different way to live with him, even though he is the majority of all the extra work she's doing. The idea of "cutting your losses" just doesn't seem to exist for her. It's really frustrating to watch her go thru this. AGAIN. It took her 9 years to finally give up on the last relationship - even though she KNEW it was an impossible situation. It's like she sees it as "losing" some kind of struggle. Or not being smart enough or compassionate enough (ie, pretzeling herself to be "just right") for her frog to turn into a prince.

I'm not sure she realizes how much of herself - her SELF - she would regain, by losing this constant thorn in her life. Mayhap I'll try that tack in conversation when she's attempting to solicit some magical knowledge again. Planting seeds.

And I thought I was obsesssive. Jeez.

She has invited a group of her lady friends out for a Beltane weekend next week. I am included, but B will still be here and I'm loathe to leave him on his own so much just before he leaves again. She knows this. But I know a couple of these ladies, and they're good solid, practical sounding boards. Perhaps with ENOUGH validation of the feelings/unfairness in the reciprocity in her relationship... she'll be less afraid of making a decision. I dunno. I don't CARE what decision she makes... as long as she stops obsessing on trying to find a way to make it work all by herself.

It's all negative energy I don't need around here. And it's affecting more than her.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2023, 05:01:56 PM »

Maybe Hol finds it difficult to let go of relationships and give up hope after investing so much time and the rest of us.

Maybe if you start putting boundaries in place for Hol..... around the things you talk wtih her about, things you allow her to go on and on about re: S...... about the negative things she focuses on...... she'll learn from you how to put her own boundaries in place with S and hold them.

I could be way off here.  Truthfully, I don't know if that is appropriate or useful,but it's what came up form me so I share.

It's glorious here after a thunderstorm last night.  Just green and lush and sunny. 

I'm treating all the Hemlocks for Wooly Adelgids this weekend.  Couldn't wish for better weather.

I hope B finishes moving his life to the farm soon.

That his pump is working well and not creating more problems seems like a dream finallly come true!



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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #34 on: April 23, 2023, 07:59:02 AM »
Wonder where Hol learned how to analyse folks? [grin]. I'm guessing this trait will ultimately help her. Sure hope so. I'm sorry it's just not working with self-absorbed S. Best case I can think of is that H gets a good therapist just for herself.

(I'd be a lousy parent in that regard. Worrying so much about my D broke me at one point and it's taken years to learn to breathe again. The pain still catches.) S sounds like a drag but at least not overtly abusive, thanking the universe for very small favors. I wonder if H fears loneliness most. Pretty hard to be alone-from-all-peers on a mountaintop, even if Mom's around. (In my case, with Nmom I felt MORE lonely.) It's also extra pressure on you. She might less innerly-resourceful, even as competent as she sounds. Partly because of her youth, but she has lots of time to make her own mistakes and learn what she will learn. It must be hard to watch, when you know what she COULD know if she only knew what you know! But they've got to learn first-hand, unfortunately. When we'd get in front of a train for them.

On the sunny side, it's so great to read that B's pain and infection are finally, finally under control. Almost unbelievable. Even better to hear that your instincts about him and y'all's compatibility are holding up too. Whew and congrats. What an amazing thing to have come into your life, Amber. You created the space and opened that door and he walked through. I'm really happy for you.

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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #35 on: April 23, 2023, 12:01:40 PM »
Thanks Hops. We're pretty OK and silly together. Lots of fun!

As for Hol, I don't think knowing what I know would help her. I try to simplify her overthinking sometimes; tell her that I KNOW she and I are wired very differently; but IF it WERE me... this is how I'd deal with it. And if I don't know what I'd do... she hears that too.

Right now, she's at emergency vet with Knuckles. S had all 3 dogs out on a walk. (They have a new puppy; Kiri is 1/2 Irish Setter & papa was Great Pyrenees.) Knucks has over 20 porcupine quills in his nose, face & mouth. The way it probably happened, since Kiri was on training lead, is Kabeeb (the choc lab) scared it up and backed off... and Knucks being mostly pitbull (and clueless about other creatures)... wanted to "play" with his new friend. He is NOT the one around here that kills ground hogs & raccoons; that's Beeb.

Usually the boys go out together, off leash & unsupervised since there is PLENTY of space for them to roam. I have warned her that, for several common sense reasons, that's not a good practice. Like rattlesnakes, bears, etc. that I KNOW are here. I've seen them. Farmers & hunters will shoot a dog that's chasing cows or game. It's just the way it is here. We think it's a dog that's been killing the ducks lately, for instance.

Porcupines are protected species. They're not aggressive, only defensive and are vegetarians. We're obviously going to have a discussion when she returns and Knucks is as comfortable as he's likely to get. Once she stops reacting and gets her emotions back in check -- and the overthinking kicks in. That situation always requires a "debrief". Fortunately, she trusts Buck's knowledge and advice more than mine. He will be able to talk some sense into her. No need to hunt down & eliminate Mr. Porcupine... when he can be live trapped & relocated.

Living out here automatically COMES with certain risks, and S in particular isn't the most observant or respectful of Mother Nature's more dangerous side. SIGH. This place is untouched & uncivilized; just the way I like it. It has it's own rules and one simply can't assume that this is some sanitized, disneyfied, safe "nature" that will protect you if you act certain ways. What if it had been a mama bear with cubs? It's that time o' year and Rick DID kill about a 300 lb bear here, a couple years back. S I G H.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2023, 12:38:08 PM »
Correction: both boys got zapped and are at vets.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #37 on: April 26, 2023, 10:02:45 AM »
How are the dogs doing, Amber?

Are they doing OK?


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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2023, 10:26:07 AM »
Sorry, I forgot to update!

Yes, they're both pretty well healed up now. Hol pulled one more quill from Knuckle's muzzle yesterday, that had worked it's way out. You'd think information like the migration south of porcupines would be somewhere in the news. It's useful information that people need to be aware of. Unsuspecting hikers, kids, etc can all be hurt by those barbed quills. Even though the critters are NOT aggressive, most people will try to get a closer look - curiositiy - and that's a threat to the beastie. They also get large, about 30 lbs. That's a lot o' quills!

The vet mentioned that she treated another pair of dogs just a couple weeks ago. City over the mountain. So, be alert when out walking in the woods. And give any porcupine a wide berth.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2023, 10:02:45 AM »
I may have bit off more than I can plant this spring! My plant order came in a couple days ago. A dozen munstead lavender plugs; same for lamb's ear. 3 ea. comfrey, echinecea, and grosso lavender (which can grow into a 6 ft mound).

I'll seed some more confederate roses (a hardy hibiscus B brought) this weekend - but I'm running out of room under the lights). Many of the herbs I have started can be planted later in the season after they're well established. Some I'm keeping in large pots over the winter to plant NEXT spring. I have a pretty small bay tree that needs a big pot this year. It'll have to come in over winter.

I still need to order shrubs & trees. I'm going to try rosa rugosa again too. I just need help digging the holes.

I'm trying kidney beans in the garden this year. I've not done dried beans before so it's an experiment. The tomato flat is going hog wild and I am gonna try to sweet talk B into turning the garden under before it rains again and he takes off Sunday/Monday. Peppers are coming; but they're slower. Other stuff will get directly seeded. I'm running a small sweet corn/beans/squash experiment this year too. What's been planted - onions, potatos, & brassicas are looking good. We got a LOT of rain, when it cooled off and B has set up sprinklers - one is motion activated to deter creatures investigating my "babies". (Electic fence will be the next step, if I notice any depredation.)

Tomatos might be big enough to go out in the next week or two; I need to harden them off a bit first. Amish paste, super sioux, siberian, and a couple beefsteak types.

I have an equipment shed in the barn, which needs to find a home & get put up. Hol is still trying to get her greenhouse going. Her new puppy - Kiri - is an absolute doll. She's already bigger than Beeb & Knuckles at 6 months. She hasn't filled out yet, but I expect her to top out about 80 lbs. Irish setter & great pyrenees, so she's champagne colored with freckles. But it's keeping Hol extremely busy... so no Michigan trip right now.

B is back to about as fully funtional as any 66 yr old can expect... and even younger guys can't keep up with him. He's working on strength and stamina (encourages me too). He's talking about bringing (at least) 2 more loads up before he's here full time. But the pace is picking up. Partly because getting rentals and the price/availability of gas continues to go up. This time, he'll be back the first week in June for the pump fill. Then he needs to rebuild his trailer and rent something with a hitch to get it back south... and then his big mill comes up.

In between, there is all the usual family drama. His and mine. Hol is making me nutz lately but I think we're currently in an (unspoken) "do our own things" space instead of spending so much time together. When she targets me to vent her projected issues - I just walk away. I really don't need that crap. I've put in my dues working, being mom. i am insisting that I get to do exactly as I please and no more/no less when and with whom I want. Not what she THINKS I should be doing or being. Get off my tits, kid. I still have a fast backhand... and she knows better. I will not be bullied by her weird sense of what's "right"... for me. She doesn't get to choose or judge. Period.

She and S are spending even more time apart* since his employment has changed; he is staying in B'more with an old girlfriend that Hol sometimes stays with. With the writer's strike, she doesn't see any film work coming her way any  time soon - and she's pretty sick of that environment too.

*This isn't helping her get projects done. And that's a major frustration. They don't have much garden going either. She leaves plant stuff mostly to him. I'm not entirely sure why; she was never much of a garden helper when she still lived at home, either.

The studio remodel is awaiting contractors. It's been 2 weeks since they said they had to wrap up a few things, then they'd be out for an estimate look-see. I'm going to start looking for other contractors this weekend. We COULD do it ourselves... but it would take all summer and we have other things to do, too.

Chicken & dumplings on the menu today... and then I'm on my own for 3-4 weeks.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2023, 12:05:52 PM »
Kiri sounds extraordinary. How I'd love to see a pic! She must be stunning to contemplate.

I know why Hol isn't into gardening. It's because she's not into gardening. I'm sorry she's not more help to you on the projects but her heart/imagination aren't fed by earth in the same way yours are. Maybe it's her creative stuff, making. Maybe it's other things in her imagination that haven't fully formed yet.

Kind of thrilling to read how you are just walking away when she puts pressure on you or starts up psychodrama. Good for you!!!! (Hope you can skip backhanding.)

With the men soon absent it might be tempting for you and Hol to get back into the old fights. I'm glad they're showing up as pointless. Toxic connection is still connection for us humans. So maybe you'll find friends in the community, not just on the mountain.

Are you maybe feeling some anxiety over the 3-4 weeks alone? Maybe that's coming up in your interactions with Hol too. Sensing you might need more support from her for a time? And the old conflict conversations are happy to resurface? Unless she did follow through and find herself a therapist to do the deep work with?

I-need-you-but-don't-need-you. Fierce independence is one thing, angry independence another. I have a hard time telling the difference in some connections.

I hope you don't work your body to bits but feel joy again in your deep connection to gardening, growing, building the projects that bring you so much satisfaction.

I wonder if a little irritability between you and B just crops up because you're both recognizing intuitively that separations are difficult. I feel big faith you'll be fine.

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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2023, 10:11:44 AM »
Well, it's now only 2 weeks till the warrior returns and we're one trip closer to not dealing with the back & forth.

Hol is being a pretty busy girl herself, and is planting more this year on her own, instead of letting S do it all. My big garden is about to go into high gear (tomatoes are ready to go in). I'm trying kidney beans, for an experiment and they shot up like nobodies business with the grow lights. My herbs are gonna have me planting till August, I swear!

There's comfrey, lavender, pleurisy root, skullcap, flax, feverfew, echinecea, centaury, St. John's wort... chamomile & lemon balm and if they ever germinate, boneset, soapwort, something else. Sweet Annie is just germinating. I forgot to order tansy & wormwood.

I added another lilac and a 12 in pot of lavender... and have a strategy for building deep beds among my boulders. All higgeldy-piggeldy, no structured geometric planting for me... and it makes that space (includes a decent sized fire pit) a lovely outdoor space to sit of an evening.

I think I've mostly conquered my resistance to planting. It's still physically taxing and today might be rest day all day. Depends on the rain - if we get any. I need to weed the taters & onions... but couldn't lay hands on a long handled weeder I THOUGHT I still had. Hol thought she saw it in with the ducks & geese - S was spreading straw with it to combat the wet weather spring that runs through there. We already have 4 baby geese. Guess I'm going shopping for a new one today.

My goal is to get as much accomplished asap, before the temp gets over 80 every day and the no-see-ums emerge. It's just too miserable and draining for me to work in the hot sun.

I've got a couple studio projects "in progress" too - for when I just have to stay inside. Been looking for a sweatshirt that's styled like a cardigan - and not finding it. So pattern, fabric, etc. And Hol & I both have moccasins cut out and close to being sewn up.

The new sweet puppy is getting spayed today. Three dogs & trying to integrate Kiri into the "pack" is about all she can manage. A litter of puppies would totally demand all her attention. S is starting to help her more, when he's home. And things are going smoother on that part of the farm.

Contractor still hasn't called to estimate the studio reno. So, I'm calling a few "over the mtn". Ya snooze ya lose buddy! I'm tired of being patient and understanding.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2023, 12:14:03 PM »

Households used to have herbal  cabinets and it's thrilling to hear all you're planting!  Love love love the idea of planting in among the boulders with a firepit nearby.  I can picture it..... it's a really great place for bonfires too.

About doing your thing and letting Hol do hers..... I think that's healthy and normal.  What feeeeels upsetting, to me, is the pattern of Hol judging and bossing you.... it likely feels normal to her now.  What creates anxiety, for me, is thinking of stating and holding boundaries to change Hol's patterns as conflict.  I don't do well with conflict and it's been a balm to hold my line while allowing others to have their feelings....... I don't have to go down that rabbit hole with them.  Sweet relief!

From your post, you seem ready to rise to Hol's energetic levels and meet them, as you must.  Brings up lots of angst for me, just to read so I hope you find a way to meet Hol in your calm space, state your boundaries and consequences with love, sans judgment and hold them just the same.  Just bc others are agressively in their bossy boots doesn't mean we have to rise or fall to their levels, IME.

THIS is something I've been giving thought to lately, as you might guess.  Having the relationship I WANT TO HAVE and modeling what I want more of, instead of getting jerked off my horse by people with strong emotions, etc. 


I'm happily enjoying your gardening journey without desire to have one myself.  Feeding/caring for my hydrangea, Azaleas, Mountain Laurels and  Hemlocks is as much as I care to tend to this summer.  The moss takes care of itself at this point and there's less and less of it as I go.

I think you're gong to guard your health and strength during planting season.  Enjoy your solitude and keep updating us: )



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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #43 on: May 18, 2023, 10:05:15 AM »
Well, our process works for us. Neither of us shrink from conflict and we have the ability (not always achieved, mind  you) of being able to hold space for the disagreement, different opinions/perceptions/etc - together, between us and jointly work to find a solution. Those solutions are rarely I win/you lose situations. It provides a framework for continuing to work together, even if there is friction or sensitivities, etc.

Over time, solutions are refined. We practice. We listen to each other even when the gist of one's complaint is uncomfortable. We do our best to communicate our own points of view and suggestions. And conflict isn't the sum total of our engagement and interaction with each other. That's how I know her "bossy boots" moments are born out of her acknowledgement of my aging process; her fear of eventually not having me around. My irritations with her are mostly surrounding her not standing up for herself (in other situations).

And when we do experience the loud and aggressive disagreements - it's usually over within 24 hrs and we move on. No tending the tiny flame of resentment. There is usually a discussion post argument where things are restated, inquiries made, sometimes apologies tendered... and we drop it and get back to business.

Without holding the space for us to FEEL that conflict, own our bits of it, be triggered by our own individual past experiences... we wouldn't ever resolve things or shift perspectives to the point of putting ourselves in the other person's position momentarily; seeing things from their seat. Hol is extremely verbal, quick to speak, extremely analytical, logical and intellectual. I still have a problem (sometimes) in fast moving conversation being able to verbalize, especially about feelings... and a good bit of the conflict revolves around she thinks I don't trust her to respect vulnerability and my feelings... when I simply don't have a ready verbal description and have to have some time to find the answer for myself.

These things don't happen all the time. And it's usually not over mundane stuff - it's the intersection of our separate work on ourselves. Our individual methods and perceptions; and it goes deep places where it's literally an emotional trigger minefield. We can do that because we KNOW for a fact, each is 100% safe with the other. Excercising in this space - whether its over a conflict or plans or personal observations - helps us replicate the ability in more of our other relationships.

This is way outside the usual parent-child dynamic; it's past that. There just aren't rulebooks for how to do it, and we've made up our own. It's been this way since she was little and had temper tantrums because she wasn't talking yet. She just starting talking all at once, at about 3 - and hasn't shut up yet! LOLOL. But she does have the ability to go into her own inner space and inquire, reflect and ponder. I've been pushing her toward independence since grade school. She needs interesting challenges from time to time - like sailing in December. With menopause starting to mess with her, though, that's about the only real challenge she has time for. The farm projects are also something she can get into and she's developing more interest in the herbal medicine area. With B around - she's also turning wrenches more, will be welding with him on different things and improving her skills. She wants to design and make things.

Because of our past experiences, we developed very differently; our personalities are a lot different even tho there's some common features. It's easy to only look at things or people through the lens of our personal experience and try to understand them that way. The more we share, stumble into each other's triggers and bumble our way to understanding the other from THEIR perspective... the safer this arrangement is for both of us. We can release the outcome when it comes to what we ask of each other, knowing the other is trying and isn't just giving up or shutting down. This is what working THRU is for us.

And it comes with occasional, unexpected conflicts. That's just life, as we both know it. And it's working out fine. You don't have to worry about how we're getting through it all. We both have decades of practice at this! And when a real crisis hits - we're always the first responder for the other. Like when Mike died or her chimney fire.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #44 on: May 18, 2023, 01:49:29 PM »
I really like this perception, Amber:

Hol is extremely verbal, quick to speak, extremely analytical, logical and intellectual. I still have a problem (sometimes) in fast moving conversation being able to verbalize, especially about feelings...

I get a momentary "freeze" on feelings articulation sometimes, especially when interrupted, and my therapist literally can't articulate quickly (her own natural pace, plus while I'm talking like a runaway freight train how could she?). I think now at this age, I'm sensitive to sharing with most others that at times, in some situations and not others, I know my brain is working more slowly. I'm doing my best Maggie Kuhn imitation and declaring our RIGHTS to be a tad slower or different with age, without being scrutinized for something awful. I'm also outspoken as heck about ADD, which has nothing to do with IQ but is more difficult with age. Alla that.

The hesitation to talk about it can be fear of unconscious ageism from others, as so many are inclined to think that any verbal stumbles or changes in pace are billboards for creeping senility. I DO forget things more often and some mental tasks (plus ADD coping) are more difficult these days. But this is not alarming, it's natural. I don't expect myself to carry on at the same speed forever, and yet I ain't got dementia! My poetry writing, which can get quite complex and nuanced, is better than ever these days (workshop sez so too), and a trickle-in of earned wisdom feels like a compensatory skill. Managing paperwork and calendars? Feh.

If our culture and sometimes dear ones knew how to listen to elders with patience that is just a realistic adjustment to how aging ripens, not condescension, it would be a good thing. But in this like in SO MANY things, America is woefully adolescent.

I guess with someone as smart as Hol (chip off old block) you can just educate her that somewhat slower processing indicates just a NATURAL change in your processing, not a "decline." Even if your hair is white. Or maybe your verbal processing pace is just intrinsic to who you are and always have been, so it's not even a real change. Everybody's different. In some cases it's a real problem but I believe we know the difference. (Then again, there is denial, and I have friends who pretend capacities they've lost, because to age unashamedly in America is a fearful prospect.)

Sounds like you and Hol are at peace with your process. And with who you are.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."