Author Topic: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)  (Read 15685 times)


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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #120 on: October 17, 2023, 08:10:42 AM »
Just a quick update. Looks like the studio is down to just a few bits & bobs to finish up outside. My ankle is getting better, so I'll run down when it's daylight to make the final punch list for the carpenter. Hol's been busy-busy in her studio getting ready for the artisan show at the end of the month. She and her friends have the base structure of the greenhouse complete. Lots more to do, so they'll be back.

B and I found the upper end of the range on his controller, that causes the symptoms to return. It's a really short range - 4 points - so the painn relief isn't ideal, but it's better than nothing. Tech is researching program adjustments for the end of Nov's appt.

I got my sweatshirt cardigan cut out. Might could get it stitched today, but I'm planning some fancy seam finishing. That should reduce some of the fleece "fluff" in wearing. Also got a dress form ordered... along with the padding kit since gravity has taken it's toll on my shape. I've never had one to use before, so we'll see how helpful it might be.

Next up, making B a frontier shirt... and maybe another chambray work shirt. Then, a simple chemise that I MIGHT just handsew... dead of winter project, ya know?

And I need to get back to sourcing the kitchen components for the studio. I also have a few outdoor tasks to complete once I can really move that foot & ankle well again; trust it. I'm overwintering 5 of my lavender babies inside this year; I could maybe repot the smaller ones now, and get some room in the barn for Rudi to spend the winter. Brandy-new soft top needs a good bit of care.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #121 on: October 17, 2023, 12:46:04 PM »
Sounds so lovely, Amber. All of it.
Must just be an amazing home. And the sewing!

An old friend has returned to the area and I'm enjoying seeing her again. She quilts, sews, paints, you name it. Was great to see her charming home -- small and so well situated and full of color and a great outside space with raised beds. Cozy and lovely.

Hope B's stimulator is soon located and regulated so he really, really can go a day with little pain. And you too, glad the ankle is healing up well. Can't imagine anybody keeping you pinned to a couch for long.

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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #122 on: October 18, 2023, 04:51:21 AM »
The sewing projects sound great, Skep.  I'm glad you've worked out the range on the pain relief thing, it's frustrating that effective relief brings those side effects as well.  I hope the medical people have got some more ideas on finding something that ticks all the boxes without causing  additional problems.  I'm glad the ankle is getting better.  Probably doesn't dare not to ;)  Lol xx


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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #123 on: October 19, 2023, 10:09:04 AM »
LOL... last night the ache in the ankle was keeping me awake and Jack, the new kitty snuggled right up on it and absorbed a lot of the discomfort. First time he's done that - the other two boys play Dr. Purr when I need it. Hopsie, no one chains Amber to the couch! I was good and rested it, and used a cane when I had to get up for the first week. Two days ago, I cut the drywall for studio's new windows. There are still bruises, it still aches but I can function and I'm still letting it heal. However, that gets expensive (see below)!

Ya, B's symptoms are back, even at low settings, so it's off again until the symptoms clear, then we'll turn it back on lower than the low end of the range. He still has the morphine pump and that was adjusted up a smidge last time, so he's not without SOME relief. So, he has a TENS unit that gives him some temporary relief and I have moist heat, microwavable pads that have helped too. Senna tea is MOST effective on most of the symptoms, and it seems even when he's nauseous, he can still eat the local restaurant's pizza. There are worse things for him to eat, than pizza. We are coping as best we can. He's learned to refocus his mind on tasks at hand, the knee brace is helping stabilize him so he's safe while working, and so he can ignore the pain until he stops.

Yesterday, we were going into town and watched a bike rider just drop his bike in the grocery entrance. I pulled over & B jumped out and ran back to help the guy pick it up. (Must be a new rider, he was having trouble.) Somewhere I've read/heard, that pain is just weakness leaving the body... LOLOLOLOL. I'm here to tell ya, there's a level of pain that I WISH would leave, sometimes. I turn into a crumpled crybaby at a certain level. The rest of it, I deal with. Just as grumpy as he gets, sometimes... but we kiss & make up.

Maybe "dancing until we can't" was a little optimistic. Right now, it's more like we'll hobble along together!! My oven is fixed now, so a batch of cookies is on the to-do list.

The current "to-do list" is mostly things to buy - before we can't or they get even more expensive. So, when I'm resting, I'm shopping... we have to run to PO today to pick up some packages. That's how this gets expensive.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2023, 10:11:36 AM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #124 on: October 19, 2023, 01:36:45 PM »
Good boy, Jack. Living heating pad with purrs. Awww.

So sad that B is still getting whapped and so very sorry he has had to learn how to cope with (ignore? impossible for weaklings) fucking PAIN all the time. Nature is mean. Sending hopes to add to the pile.

Your recovery sounds like it's working and the domestic projects sound nourishing, in many senses. You're like a human cottage industry, with multiple cottages.

hugs (and more awe),
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #125 on: October 19, 2023, 02:53:41 PM »
Well, after many years living "out" like this... I now instinctively check the air, and know when it's time to do x, y, or z around here. B has all the downed wood split & stacked. Hol has her own. The last bit of work on the exterior of the studio happened today. Floodlights are up.

We're now ready to move inside; got one more tool to tape & mud drywall, after Hol screws the boards up. Then I can prime & paint. When B gets back in Nov/Dec, we'll open a hole in the ceiling to recess the motor of a ceiling fan. That needs some drywall too. And I have some insulation & pegboard to put up downstairs in the garage. Beadboard to come up the house for the "mud room alcove" I've had in mind for years. I'm pretty sure my ankle isn't ready to be on a step stool or ladder much, yet... so taking down old cupboards and patching/painting is going to have to wait. Besides, I positively HATE rolling ceilings! I'll paint all the blessed trim myself before doing that. Walls, I don't mind.

Most of the sewing is for me. I'm really having a hard time finding practical and comfortable, yet not men's clothes, to work in. Duluth Trading used to have things I liked and they do wear forever. But no more. Still a fan of  J. Jill - but those are mostly loungy things or going to town clothes. And not very practical for working in. I will say they last, tho.

Yeah, there are a lot of different things that need to happen around the property at various times. So, we have resident "experts" - Hol is leather work, but we share back & forth on herbs & remedies & planting. B is mechanical stuff and lumberjack activity (yeah, I know; but he insists he can still climb trees with spikes & a harness...) I end up being the overall project manager and purchasing agent, but have skills to lend just about everywhere. We can all cover for each other when needed. It's how it needs to be to work.

You'll note I didn't include Mr. S in the skills list. He hasn't demonstrated he has any to contribute to the mix. His birds are getting picked off one by one... and B is the only one comfortable (and qualified) sitting out all night with a rifle to eliminate the offending predator. I include him in the category of Hol's 3 cats & 3 big dogs - he's snuggly (when he's here) otherwise he needs an awful lot of care and following around to clean up after him. She makes all kinds of progress when he's gone. And she's noticed that on her own.

SIGH. The list is ongoing; we missed our shot at getting a load of gravel this year for the driveway. We have salvaged a lot of deck posts for building woodshed next spring. Eventually, I'll need to redo the house decks... but we can probably squeeze another year or two out of the existing.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #127 on: October 21, 2023, 10:52:00 PM »
I''m glad projects are moving ahead on the farm, Amber.

  Sad.... almost to the point of feeling ill.....thinking about B always waiting for relief. 



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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #128 on: October 22, 2023, 09:26:26 AM »
Well, it's not like the docs & techs aren't doing all they can to help him. No blame there, you know? Each pain patient, and the causes/functioning of pain are unique. One thing I've become aware of, after spending more time with him, is that there is a neuro-psychological component to it, also. I'm still watching; noticing; clocking observations... waiting for confirmation or signs of "if this, then that". Studying. It's not the main culprit in pain sensations, I know. But it's so intertwined... sigh. Complex.

And then, there is the simple natural fact of aging and how that changes a body & the person, him or herself. I think he's coming around to acceptance and understanding - without "giving up" and not trying to be the best he can.

He's got a strong sense of dark, twisted humor that goes a long way to sustaining him. Getting him through all but the worst days. And we're slowly meeting people around here, too. So his support network is growing, instead of shrinking.

Really, this group of docs is doing the best they can. And not every day is dark & gloomy. It's disappointing in the extreme, when he finally gets some relief - and it causes other issues. The tech responsible for programming has 3-4 weeks to research the WHY and what can change to avoid that. She already knows B isn't expecting complete & total pain relief. He'll figure out how to deal with whatever relief he can get... as long as he isn't regularly experiencing all the other problems.

Today, I absolutely MUST try to un-bury myself from the mountain of post-it notes!! Even persuaded Hol to get smaller ones, to keep our lists from getting totally out of control...   :rolleyes:
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #129 on: October 22, 2023, 06:09:31 PM »
You have such sane and sound perspective on B's pain, Amber.
It must still peck at your heart to witness this in the man you love.
But you're both dealing, as best you can, which is way better than for a lot of veterans who don't have warrior princesses on their sides.

Loved hearing y'all are making more friends in the area. That is a GOOD GOOD thing! No matter how self-reliant and off the grid one is, we need community, all of us. I'm glad to hear y'all are connecting there more.

You never know when a remarkable long friendship could come from a chance moment of openness.

And, given how you cook and bake, wouldn't be hard to facilitate!

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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #130 on: October 23, 2023, 08:44:17 AM »
Thanks Hops. It's been busy around here, so necessitated a lot of interaction with various people.

First thing this morning, he said he woke up around 4, having to vomit again. We'd turned down the stimulator even lower last night. And the other symptoms are back too. So it's now turned completely off and symptoms will be gone tomorrow. He leaves Sunday to get another load. SIGH.

Both Hol & I have offered to come help but he's not having it.

We're tired. But hibernation season is almost here!
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #131 on: October 23, 2023, 03:09:15 PM »
Makes my heart hurt. I so hope the next step eases his pain.

What would an emotional stimulator look like?
(Tongue in cheek but actually could be a good metaphor
for what some people do, I think....)

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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #132 on: October 23, 2023, 03:28:17 PM »
Well, it's not like the docs & techs aren't doing all they can to help him. No blame there, you know? Each pain patient, and the causes/functioning of pain are unique. One thing I've become aware of, after spending more time with him, is that there is a neuro-psychological component to it, also.

And waiting.... always waiting.



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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #133 on: October 24, 2023, 10:24:08 AM »
Well, I'll never use this contractor again. We spoke over the phone Friday, and he told me the balance due was one number. I double checked what I'd paid vs the contracts and got the same figure, more or less. Yesterday he shows up and that number was 3X the amount -PLUS, B noticed the wood used on the deck roof wasn't even pressure treated. (SIGH) along with some other lack of attention to detail.

The look I gave contractor could've frozen hell. And I wrote out the check, and was ready to be DONE with him. Then, he mentions he met Hol the other day and asked me, if she was just like her mom. At that point, the smart ass in me was no holds barred and I said:

"Depends on who you ask. Ask her dad and the answer is yes." And the flames started to shoot out of my eyes, as I turned and walked away.

I'm still thinking about starting a civil suit to recoup at least half the amount he soaked me for. But then, when someone does me dirty, karma is usually on my side. I just need to get it's attention and point it his way. While I indulge in living well - the best revenge.

There are few other things I can do, aside from that.

B's symptoms are starting to lift this morning. He worked outside yesterday and slept well; ate dinner - no more nausea. Tomorrow we turn the stimulator back on again, starting at the lowest setting and he'll bump it up one setting a day, until the symptoms kick in again. This is all useful data for device tech's information and maybe he's not going to  be able to turn it on at all. SIGH.

Yes, Hops.  An emotional stimulator would be handy some days!! Dial-a-mood... LOL. Remember mood rings?
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #134 on: October 24, 2023, 03:54:04 PM »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."