Author Topic: Narcissism on repeat cycle  (Read 1139 times)


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Narcissism on repeat cycle
« on: August 27, 2023, 11:25:52 PM »
Well, it's evening, I've already had a cup of tea but I might make another, and then select some music and type something. Then perhaps erase it. Because WORDS. Shrug. Yep.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2023, 12:42:16 PM by Meh »


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Re: Perhaps just to write & music?
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2023, 03:04:02 PM »

More narcissism drama. Wrote quite a bit about it last night and didn't post it.

And now I see that last night my mother sent me a text message to my phone where she wrote: "You have no empathy or awareness of other people's feelings. Get some counseling..." She is so good at the psychological abuse where she has to throw a spear and make everything worse and miserable. What a fucking cunt.

That is what my bitch mother has to say to me. That I have no empathy or awareness of other people's feelings.

And at this point I'm not in a mood to give a fuck about someone's feelings. I feel like spitting in someone's face.


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Re: Narcissism on repeat cycle
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2023, 02:09:20 PM »

No need to read it, it's a long boring rant about minutiae. I'm going to write this and go for a walk later if it doesn't rain. 

Was at my mother's house. I'm actually stuck in this area without transportation. My mother had said she was going to take me to car dealers which are quite a ways away, like truly a bit away because I'm not in the city right now. And of course it never really happens, it's always some kind of neglect situation where my needs are less-than everybody elses. And pointing out something like that causes her to go into RAGE and ATTACK mode.

Anyhow, I'm just writing this for my own benefit even if it's repeated. I guess I will REPEAT the same thing for as long as it's STILL an issue. I will just repeat the same thing because nothing has ever changed, there have been no improvements really.

So I was at her house, the next door neighbor came over and we were sitting at the dinner table. I was having a cup of tea and listening to the neighbor. At some point I said something, maybe I won't repeat it here, I said something about current events which is on my mind due to having had too much time to read about it I suppose. What else does a person do during chit chat then to talk about current events. Well, I didn't make any personal attacks or accusations but it's a socially contentious issue though really I wasn't thinking about it so much as being contentious, anyhow I mentioned something and the neighbor looked at me and she snapped in a very emotionally reactive way, she said "Oh, you're wrong." Which is fine she can say I'm wrong all she wants but frankly I feel that SHE was being rude as it was obvious she just wanted to SHUT ME DOWN. She didn't explain or back up her position, she just got ANGRY, she didn't want me to speak, how dare I speak or exist or have thoughts. But she was pissed off. I asked her a simple question about the issue after she said I was wrong and she just looked at me wide-eyed she clearly was likely programmed to be reactive but she really didn't seem to even have anything to say about it. She had no REASONING for why or how I was wrong. None. Zero.

Of course my narcissistic mother loves the opportunity to gang up against me, so my bitch of a mother has used this as an opportunity to blame me for breathing/existing/talking because she would have preferred if she had given birth to a lump of gold that she could cash in. And her husband who is usually mostly silent had something rude to say to me in that moment as well. In theory, my mother and her husband don't actually agree with the neighbor's stance, but it's not about that. It's about me talking and existing, and the neighbor being angry. And ultimately the neighbor's feelings, thoughts and opinions and existence being more signficant that me existing and taking up space. So this is more sadistic training to take up as little space as possible, no physical space, no space where one's voice exists, no space where one's needs exist. I am to not exist is the secret rule.

Now, I was not being rude. I just said something which unbeknownst to me made the neighbor reactive BUT I was BLAMED for her reacting and for her storming off.

But of course here is the other part of it... within the family of origin which I came from I somehow am often invisible or mostly ignored, they really would like it if I were dead. Mostly I am expected to not speak, to be silent. Now, I think that is abuse, I think it's abuse that no matter how old I am, I am put into this roll of some mute-dead child. I am talked down to in a nasty way... I am blamed for things which are not my fault.

It's totally not my fault that the neighbor has a specific disposition about current events which causes her to freak out and close her ears up because heaven forbid she hear something that she can't deal with which actually has nothing to do with her personally but then again I don't consume the news she does so I'm not affectively programmed the way she is. She left in a huff, stormed off back across the street. Dumb cunt. I'm tired of people. I'm tired of being blamed for every fucking thing.

I probably won't see her again and the whole thing is stupid. I'm sick of people though. Being blamed for her flipping out, well now I really DON'T have anything nice to say.

There's more but I'm tired of these things. I couldn't care less if they all went up in a forest fire of smoke. Am I psychopathic, I don't know but after years and years, an entire lifetime of shit, who fucking cares. Everything is always dysfunctional when it comes to my mother as far as I'm concerned AND she has always gotten away with it, doesn't seem to ever impact her badly.

It doesn't really matter how much I read about dynamics, or personality disorders, it doesn't matter because it doesn't impact me less. There's no real fixing it, there is no recuperating from it. I'm really stuck with it. I am stuck with this shit. It's a nightmare. 

Yes, I will just repeat myself. It strikes me how narcissism or whatever it is, it creates a collective delusion which others are happy to participate in. When my brother committed suicide, my mother said that he was a "low-life," she really does view herself as better than other people.

Why can't I sue my mother for being a bitch, or actually for long-term emotional damage.

The neighbor that had come over was complaining about someone's yard across the street, it was brown grass. I mean really these are the things that constitutes whatever is important to them. Appearances of someone else's lawn. The thing is my mother's front yard LOOKS EXACTLY like the yard which is brown and uglified. They've been strategically uglifying the yard by killing plants, neglecting plants and undoing the actual landscape that was there. If only there were before and after photos. Oh well. But I can't help it, I just see it right in front of my own eyes. I'm not in their bubble of mutual delusion. I say that my mother's brown ugly yard looks exactly like the one across the street with dead plants. I know it seems these things aren't important they aren't. It's just it stands out to me how people suspend reality in order to get along with people.

Being polite isn't always a bad thing. But disregarding what you can see in front of your own fucking eyes in order to appease the narcissism-delusion of better than someone else. It annoys me. It's not even so much that it annoys me. I just can't do it.

I'm going to go on, this is boring but I am going to go on because that whole thing with the neighbor sort of blew up.

My mother has a stupid sign post that was put up on the edge of her property but on county land so she complained about that. Some people finally came and took it down, but even with it gone SHE IS still complaining about it. I interjected and I said "okay, well just be glad they took it down." Like it's not there now. Why should I buy into the delusion that the sign post is still causing her some kind of fucking mental anguish. It's not fucking there. It's was on a side of her house that she doesn't even use.

I guess I'm just tired that with her everything is phony, topical, petty, whatever. She hasn't had hobbies for years, she could but she is a dull person, she drinks alcohol and watches television so what could she possibly have to talk about.

Oh, the narcissism-bitch sends me a text message later that day to tell me I should go get therapy. Insinuating I am mentally ill because her CUNT of a neighbor stormed off. Well, If I'm mentally ill I guess it has nothing to do with having an alcoholic narcissistic bitch for a mother.

They're going to hate me no matter what I do. That is all there is to it. If I'm silent they will hate me, if I speak they will hate me, if I were dead they would hate me, if I'm alive they will hate me. So whatever. They can be assholes that's their problem.

I'm just going to continually repeat myself I do not fucking care. It's NOT my fault that I'm in some perpetual washing machine cycle that circulates the same dirty water over and over and over and over and over and over. Repeating the same emotional hatred and gaslighting and the bitch probably taking some kind of delight in putting me down and treating me like shit.


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Re: Narcissism on repeat cycle
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2023, 03:19:13 PM »

The neighbor person, meh, it was unpredictable, how the hell would I know. The narcissism thing though, that is predictable. They love to take any drama and make it worse, my mother likes to remind me that I am disliked, unloved, unfavored etc. so of course out of the blue my mother says "I love my sister" even though we don't agree politically AND "I love the neighbor's name." That's fine I don't give a shit who she "loves." I'm just tired of being cursed with the narcissistic bitch. I could have had something better.

Because something DIDN'T occur, we are supposed to pretend like it didn't matter? It just didn't exist.

Perhaps I will rant for a decade about how fucking unstable my life was growing up and that my parents didn't do shit for me. I didn't play sports because I didn't even fucking KNOW that people did those things. I didn't do girl scouts. I did nothing. My parents didn't save an education fund for me. They didn't bother to pay attention to what was going on with my healthcare. It's like I was a DEAD PIECE OF FUCKING PLASTIC. An unreal thing. An inanimate vinly handbag. And when they got divorced, all I represented was payments. Who is going to pay for the airline fee to ship me to the other one, who is going to pay for this or that. And eventually all that my mother has to say about it is that I AM mentally ill somehow and that I need to go talk to a therapist. She likes to repeat this at awkward times. She says it after her cunt neighbor storms off. The thing is, if my mother speaks to a counselor, you know what that person doesn't identify that she is an alcoholic or that she may perhaps have a personality disorder, NOPE, a counselor wouldn't detect it, wouldn't know, AND IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE THEY GET PAID TO SIT THERE. Money. They make money to tell her whatever she wants to hear. Does she lie to her therapist, probably she does. She went to some free therapist like she is poor. I actually think what causes her distress is reality.

Narcissists, they sabotage other people. They do. They make things WORSE than they have to be.

Yes, I'm just going to fucking repeat myself. There is nothing else to do about it.


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Re: Narcissism on repeat cycle
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2023, 04:00:43 PM »

I'd like to spit on the neighbor's face. I don't give a fuck. I'm trashy and that's just who I am because that is how this world is.

Will never see or talk to her again, but I'm pissed off because she had her temper tantrum. It would not be hard to shock a person like that, nobody ever treats them like shit, they sit on a pedestal above others. To say something to her fucking face that probably few people ever do. That perhaps she doesn't have any right to expect people to be silent just because she EXPECTS and demands it. I can tell she is someone who is always treated politely, ALWAYS. Nobody ever talks to her like she is a piece of shit. There's nothing at all that makes these people special in any way. They just have money. Really that is all there is to it. People buy in to these neighborhoods. In a way they purchase their neighbors, they may like some and not like others but they BUY into it like a club. So they get to talk about their dog's poop, street signs and brown lawns.

Of course my mother will go on and on and tell me about the neighbor's life. Do I care. No I don't.

Nothing ever improves. There is no other particular place or thing to do. This is just it. Time, lots of time wasted.

I rarely say mean-spirited things to my mother. But I could, I could tell her that I've always thought she was quite ugly which isn't really true but for whatever reason this type of thing appears to hurt people. I feel so hateful at this point. I'd be fine if she broke down into tears but she is pretty dead inside after years of alcohol and TV she is really a zombie.

She hates it when I don't want to listen to her.

But I'm sure they get to bond over mutual hating. They get to hate me. Even though the actual topic which pissed the neighbor off is not something they agree upon. Some kind of weird irony in that but it says something about human motivation. The glee a narcissist gets to take in their narcissist abuse over-rides everything else.

And I will repeat my fucking self. I've already written this about three times. Because I'm stuck with it. So I get to be like OCD about it.

How convenient this all is for my narcissistic mother. The drama must be great for her she can talk about it for months with her sister (my aunt). Because finally my mother has MORE reason to hate me, and target her ire at me. Me who dared to talk. I am meant to be silent and dead, invisible, so she will find ways to punish me for this. She will predictably send me a series of messages all blaming me in a variety of ways for being alive. She is hardly better than a whore really. The only reason she has any money is because she sucked some guy's dick. I know, I'm not allowed to state the truth, but narcissists always expect and demand respect when they really don't deserve it. She's an abusive cunt and I refuse to think polite thoughts about her.

"Be nice." No matter what you do you are always wrong and to be blamed. But "be nice."  Be nice to the people who abuse you  that is of course what an abuser would think.

I'm well aware that I need to get away from her. Very well aware. I've known this for most of my life but I'm a stupid retard and so I am stuck with this shit.

The neighbor is fine. Her life revolves around a three hour schedule for her dog's bowel movements or something like that.

I am so very very sick of people.


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Re: Narcissism on repeat cycle
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2023, 04:32:11 PM »

Three types of anti-depressants, two or three types of anti-anxiety medication, stupid self-help books, writing. Reading about shit. NOT a single fucking thing has improved. But the medical companies made some money off of me. Some author made some money off of me. Some counselor got a few $75.00? checks from me way back when.

None of it has mattered. I absolutely HATE these people.

Rich people are untouchable unless they happen to be sitting at the same table and they HEAR someone speaking WORDS which they don't like because of how they vote or something. Then a fucking temper tantrum which then causes a chain reaction of shit which the neighbor cunt is pleasantly unaware of because she doesn't give a fucking shit what she does. She will never know, whe doesn't want to know.

I'm not okay with having three people gang up against me merely for SPEAKING. And the neighbor going into shut-down mode, fine, prance off demanding special attention. All of them, fuckers.

And I will just repeat it and repeat it because my mother USES IT AS AN OPPORTUNITY.

I'm accustomed to being the passive insignificant role that I've been shoved into MY ENTIRE LIFE. I'm fucking tired of it.

My mother is a sick bitch. I can't believe she hasn't gotten liver poisoning yet.

Can I write a mean obituary when she dies? I'm sure nobody reads them any longer. They used to be published in newspapers or something. People probably paid for that service when there were newsprints on actual paper.

I suppose I can always paint an obituary. It should be somewhere. I don't really want to think about her though. I get tired of it. They have a way of making EVERYTHING revolve around them.

She still doesn't even know what a personality disorder is.

It's the kind of situation where one waits and hopes that one day there is an opportune time to dish some of their emotional abuse back at them. I don't normally spend time thinking about people's emotional weaknesses but I am so very very sick of people. I am full of hatred and that is all there is to it.

Would I get any pleasure out of bringing her to tears probably not but what else can I do.You can't sue your parents for their emotional abuse, it's just not how this society is.

I will, if she even lives so long, maybe on her birthday or some stupid day she thinks is special to her. I will pick a day to pay her back so she can receive some of the emotional abuse she has manifested. I will pick at her weaknesses until she goes homes and cries. That's all she has ever really created as far as I'm concerned. I won't just make her angry which is what happens every time I stand up for myself. I will make her feel bad, I will target her emotionally like she targets me, I will break her down and even her anger bullshit won't protect her. I don't fucking care. She is evil and she deserves to be on the receiving end of it sometime. I mean I've only been reading about narcissism bullshit for 15? fucking years now. I think I know what would trigger her at this point, the original emotional wound bullshit. I just fucking hate her.