Yep, finally had a minute to start this year's thread. I posted on the old one, 'coz I was holding down the fort, trying to keep up with my stuff, helping Hol's housesitters through the freezing cold snap, and B with the frenzy of things (new experiences) coming at him at one time.
In one way, it was mentally exhausting. But perfect excuse for me getting in my "long winter's naps". Physically I was doing more too - and that's a good thing. Reining in a bit of my uninibited hedonism, too. No time for it!
Now, my 3x3 post-it "to do" list of my stuff is full. But I'm still checking some stuff off before I add anything else. A lot of times, my "list" consists of things I don't want to forget that I want to do, but right now, that stuff is going to have to wait. Like garden planning. It can wait a week or two.
Like I mentioned on Tupp's thread - I've been dealing a lot with B's internal narrative, relative to him selling a piece of property, having to interact with banks, processing a thousand little things... and of course the doctors.
Which is it's own cluster. New surgeon has already decided based on current imaging that he will not be able to move stimulator leads or implant spinal stimulator. He told Dr. Lee... who did not pass that info on. Dr. Lee is however, trying to acquire a new pump controller which allows B to apply 4 "bumps" of pain relief a day, if needed. So we're driving into the city later in Feb. to see new surgeon for consult on OTHER options for pain relief... even though, B's been thrown by the sudden news that the stimulator is a total no-go for him now. He's had to process that.
Hopefully, ONE of those surgeons can remove the non-functioning stimulator as B has been told (in the past - and maybe it's incorrect) that he is allergic to metal in his body. <shrug - who knows?? he's been told so many dumb things and yet he's still hopeful to find a smart and helpful doc> But it is a problem for him as he's hit that stimulator a number of times, and yeah - it's painful too.
We're now at the point of discussing options outside of insurance and the allopathic medical options. It'll be a long discussion spread over months. I will say, he's not been feeling terribly bad in the current "holding pattern". I'm kind of surprised. Still exploring this, for now. No, I haven't been using any herbal substitutes either. He does have a loratab prescription, recently increased in daily dosage, to deal with the "end of the day" onset of pain symptoms. Stress - like the new experiences he's been thru - DOES increase his pain. Lack of stress and worry decreases symptoms.
And I know a little bit about these psychosomatic (? right word?) interactions... so observing, studying, getting his input for now.