Thanks "MywifeandI" and anyone reading and posting here,
Thankyou for your post MWAI. (hope you don't mind the acronym) You said some things that I had been thinking about, so your post really resonated with me. So many things are the same for our family. With us, it was only 27 years of being targeted.
Among the things I related to:
The horrors and belittling is just unbelievable. From this comes the voicelessness that follows, as your whole family is turned against you by the narcissist.
This is so familiar.
They did not even see that what we were giving them was grace, or a chance to turn around before it was too late to mend the relationship.
This fits what my husband and I have said about my parents. We tried for years to, as you described, love them out of their problem.
They didn't want our grace. Nothing was wrong with the relationship in their eyes for we turned the other cheek until they had us going back and forth like a doors on hinges.
We celebrated the simple fact that we knew that we had faults. To be able to change your course, to be able to say that you are sorry and mean it, to be able to cry in gratitude over the goodness in another person are not signs of illness or that you are mentally unstable, but they are signs that you have one of God’s greatest gifts. You are human, you are well, you can love and feel other’s pain. You are whole, you are normal.
So well put.
There certainly is freedom in knowing oneself is flawed. One doesn't have to pretend or be afraid of other's criticism or correction, ever again.
We are forgiven so we can forgive others and take correction ourselves from others.
This web site is not a clique as we have been accused of being. It is a meeting place of imperfect, hurting people who are hurting and healing and who desperately need each other. I hope we can put this accusation behind us and get on with our mission. Our mission is to help each other to heal from the targeting of N’s and to regain our dignity and voice. All that I can say to each and everyone of you is, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. You are beautiful, You can cry, you can love, you can feel, you can change, you are made in the image of the one who is above all, through all, and in you all. Hugs to you, be healed. Now we must go on to the forth step, and that is to make a new life that is not controlled by N’s.
Thank you for your optimism. I benefited from your post in many ways.
We are definitely all hurting, for sure. I am ready for the fourth step.
This board has many sensitive souls who post and visit. I thank the empathetic, intuitive people who have helped me along on my journey. The support from this board has been invaluable for me and others in getting freedom from "doormat status" from Ns.
Many of us grew up without a voice, we are finding our voices, trying out our voices. Sometimes our voices may sound awkward, sometimes empathetic, sometimes clueless, sometimes mistaken, sometimes selfish, sometimes paranoid, sometimes harsh, sometimes kind. Many of us grew up without healthy role models. We are all learning and need others' patience. We are often blind to our own faults. Or we have just been misunderstood!
Our attempts at helping can be crude at times. Maybe it is our lack of eloquence in writing and we just don't pick the right words or are in a hurry at the keyboard. We can't see each others faces, reactions, body language at our words. We all come to the board with our own world views and perspectives that color our interpretation of other's words. As Portia said:
.... we are all trapped inside our own world-views and we can never enter someone else’s brain to make sure they see things exactly the way we do.
This is so true.
My husband and I have trouble communicating at times just sitting in the same room and having been married 27 years. So, here we are on this board with just a little screen and a few words and we really don't know each other and are shy sometimes. It is a wonder we even get along at all after all the abuse we have taken from Ns in our 3D lives.
Also, how can compassion always come naturally to one who didn't receive it growing up? Or didn't have it for years and forgot what compassion feels like. It is very hard to make oneself unhurt and unparanoid, unPTSD. It is a wonder that any of us have energy to reply to each other. I'm going through the stage now of having not absolutely no contact from my parents since November 10. The finality (It seems) of my boundary's effectiveness is just hitting home and hurts even though my health is growing. As has been said, we are a bunch of hurt people trying to help other hurt people.
When voices get harsh here, we are speaking from our problems, our own pain or cluelessness. Hopefully, any harshness here is a just a stage in the growth from voicelessness to get past. For none of us wants to be like our abusers. Sometimes we only see our mistakes in retrospect. We are all learning , certainly I am still learning. Our perspectives are changing as we grow.
I'd like to add that this is one of the most responsive discussion forums I have ever seen. If anyone feels ignored it may be that you didn't ask specifically for input about a specific question. Also only one or two responses to a post is good imo. And some of us are getting burn out. I've posted over 300 posts (I don't have the record by any means! I think Portia is the top poster - which is great in my opinion. kudos) Anyway, I'm kinda tired, have been for quite awhile and just haven't been putting the thought I used to into posts..sorry if my posts got junky, anyone...or for any cluelessness on my part. I don't even read all the posts. Life has gotten a bit overwhelming in the 3D world.
My wish for 2005 is for peace and understanding here on the board and lots of chocolate for everyone.
Please keep posting MWAI, I think you may have some valuable insights for us from your journey.