I wanted to acknowledge Portia's last post, because I think it was written in the spirit of love and compassion and understanding, and I am happy to see such a response here, especially to a post that is disturbing to many. I do not say this to give Portia a proverbial pat on the back, or to currie favor with her. I say this because that is what, I, in my personal and humble opinion feel is missing from this site; that is, the ability to be tolerant and understanding and accepting of other points of view; to acknowledge when one might be misunderstanding another in a loving and kind way, and to try to see the pain and hurt beneath the message instead of shooting the messenger.
So Portia, thank you, on behalf of the poster to whom you are responding, for taking a step back and being able to step outside of what might be your own perception and attempt to see things from another point of view.