GFN said
This type of behaviour, on your mother's part, does it feel really
toward you and you only? I mean, does she do this to just you or to others too? Maybe your father, sometimes? It's just that it seems like it could be taken as so directed, so personal, but I have a feeling she does this to others too
My mother singled me out, I was the Black Sheep. I was not one to flow with her thinking. I remember this family picture my three sisters all got their hair cut and dyed blond, they all looked like my mom. I had red hair, my dad had red (auburn hair) I wouldn't let her cut it short or dye it..
So I was the odd one looked different, my Ferternal twin brother had blond curly hair. (I think we missed the bonding stage with her, 6 weeks in the incobator)
Yes, I'm sure she has given her teaspoon of poision to each of us at one time our another. She had a horrible upbringing and she has problems.
I do believe she must be an N. I remember my sisters telling me a few years back, the type of problem she has no Physicatrist would take the challenge.
sort of. Say something that hurts. Say it just before they leave so it will sit in their head for awhile after. Say it quick, like spit and fire, and some even say it sickeningly sweetly. Say it without care or concern for the hurt it causes, and as a matter of fact, say it as if to enjoy the idea of that
I believe when she is given the chance she always gives her hateful treatment to my twin brother, myself and my Father.
I live here and when Im faced with being in the same room with my sisters and her I get treated different. My sisters say they know it is
true but they like the money she gives them they dont rock the boat.
Let me tell you of the this dream I used to have when I was as young as 7 years old.
Its a dark cave my father, my brother, and myself are in the cave.
My father has his lunch as tho he is going to work. we are just standing in the cave and it's very very dark. I can't remember anything else.
I believe her treatment of me was to get me out of the house because I truely loved my brother and father. No way I would go along with any hurt to him.
she could see I would not play her game, my sisters all got lots of money to stay around so she could move in the direction of a pending divorce.
I remember seeing her kissing the MILK MAN. (she had others)
(I was hiding behind the front door)
I was 6 or so and it could be she thought I would tell my Dad.
I was too young to understand it, but I remember it.
I never told my Dad it was too far beyond my understaning at the time.
Why doesn't the disease, the sickness, the illness, the diagnosis, whatever it's called, why doesn't it me????".
I will digest this part, it makes me sad for some reason
I guess this is how I deal with my husband I learned from my experiance with my mother.
I will keep it in my thoughts as I talk to my daughter about the N's in my life.
Thanks for your attention to this it has been a lot of pain in my life.
I didn't want to take my messy life and put it on Sams thread, but o-well.
I hope my can of worms didn't mess up the flow of the Betty Story.
Sorry Sam.