Hi Mirror2, I read all your posts. Some thoughts:
hanging around my house after I expressly told him that was not acceptable (during his one visit he even napped in my bed!!!),
did he have a key? If so, have you changed the locks? I would. Just a thought from a very security-conscious person!
About your children. You have 3 and the eldest is now 10? They’re still very young.
I will require that the kids stay at either of their two aunts houses each night and talk with me on the phone each morning. I will also have a session with each kid before the trip to remind them about all the safety
the visit is being supervised by his two sisters and brothers-in-law who are quite functional.
Okay. Sexual abuse doesn’t just happen at night, in bed. It happens in broad daylight, in parks, sitting on a lap in a diner, in cars. I’m not saying it might happen, but want you to consider how it works in practice. I hope none of the children are alone with him
at any time. I’m not saying he’s going to do anything: but if he did, or if anyone else did for that matter – it’s too late for the child. The child is harmed
for life and no-one can make it so that it didn’t happen. Simple prevention vs life-long hope for a cure.
This is a very difficult issue to struggle with, fills me with shame for having children with someone like that and putting them into such a world.
Please deal with any shame. Your children are a gift to you. They are unique, individual human beings with great potential. That potential can be thwarted right now. If any abuse can be prevented, it should be prevented. The more abused children we have, the more we create people who grow up to abuse. It’s too late to regret having kids with him, but it’s not too late to appreciate them for the wonderful people they are!
Your kids are NOT a genetic replica of you + him. They are their own personalities. And right now they are fragile personalities, easily damaged. The more I think about this visit, the more I am intuitively against it. Sorry but that’s the way I feel.
I told my psychologist that I felt I needed to escape this life with my kids. He thought I meant suicide and I got locked in a psycho ward for a week
Jesus. What happened to your kids during that week? I’m sorry for you and sickened by this. The stupidity and cruelty of the psychiatric profession. Hell, this would be one of my worst nightmares. You did well to get out okay.