Hi Guys,
My ex sounds similiar. We were always "friends" but had sexual relations. He would sometimes be very cold also and withhold sex, or "punish and reward me" dependant on his mood swings. He would always threaten me with "all these girls who wanted him" and I'm lucky to be with him. If I went on a "date" he would get totally bent out of shape, make rude comments, put them down.
It's like, hey you don't want me as a girlfriend/partner with the committment, yet I should wait around? For what? Same thing Mollie, I would stay away, and we're "friends" then when we'd hang out, he'd be staring at me, touching me, acting stupid like he missed me.
A person can only take so much. I want an adult relationship with kissing, hugging, holding hands, LOVE, and normal sex! I don't even know what I would do if I ever found that again!