Author Topic: Letting Go Of The Past  (Read 7005 times)


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Letting Go Of The Past
« on: January 26, 2005, 03:47:09 PM »
The past is gone.  Never to return.  From this moment on, live your moments deliberately and you will create no regrets in your future.  Others have damaged our psyche.   The unfortunate circumstances of our stories happened.  Nothing can change our histories.  A choice must be made by each of us.  Happiness and peace does not just happen.  We must take an active stand to be whole.  The fools who have hurt us are weak.  They used us as stepping stones to band-aid their esteem issues, to no avail.  LIFE IN EVERY BREATH

                                               HASAN PAL


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2005, 04:09:56 PM »
I'm sorry, but I do not understand who you are talking about, or to.  

Do you mean that your past is gone, or that it should be?  If it is, why are you here?  Who are you addressing, and telling how to live?  How can you say that anyone can live their lives and end up with no regrets?  Surely, that is only possible for a saint, or for a person with no conscience.  The first I cannot be this side of heaven.  The second I would not be, even to get rid of my pain, and find a voice.

The people who hurt me were not fools.  They were - are - hurt people who didn't know what else to do with their pain.  What are you doing with yours?


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2005, 04:34:42 PM »
Hi, the people who hurt me weren't fools either. Hi October too.

Phillip, are you okay?

Welcome to Dr Grossman's message board from someone who uses it sometimes.


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2005, 04:38:39 PM »
Quote from: October
I'm sorry, but I do not understand who you are talking about, or to.  

Do you mean that your past is gone, or that it should be?  If it is, why are you here?  Who are you addressing, and telling how to live?  How can you say that anyone can live their lives and end up with no regrets?  Surely, that is only possible for a saint, or for a person with no conscience.  The first I cannot be this side of heaven.  The second I would not be, even to get rid of my pain, and find a voice.

The people who hurt me were not fools.  They were - are - hurt people who didn't know what else to do with their pain.  What are you doing with yours?

October, I apologize but this is my first experience on this board and yes I was referring to someone specific.  The people I was referring to as being fools, are.  How would you refer to persons who mercilessly beat 4 and 5 year old sisters into permanent physical and psychological damage in the name of religious fundamentalism?  How would you refer to a mother who would abandon them to this same kind of abuse that she endured at their hands?  Never to know the warmth of a mother's unconditional love.  Your question:  My answer is that I am learning to love myself by accepting who and what I am.  I am not a product of my conditioning.  My oppressors were in their own trance.  I am now awake.  As a result, I am able to love others, because I am able to trust them, because I am able to trust ME.   The individual I refer to above was victimized by family criminals.  They were not punished.  I do not apologize or make excuses for criminals.  Animals care more for their offspring than some humans.

                                               HASAN PAL


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2005, 04:50:54 PM »
Phillip, were those your sisters? That's a horrific story so far. What happened to you?


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2005, 04:57:09 PM »
Personal power statements such as this are a good first step, Phillip. Stand where you are in this feeling for a while, get to know it, then I am sure you will be able to make the next step an even better one.


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2005, 05:04:45 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Phillip, were those your sisters? That's a horrific story so far. What happened to you?

Not my sisters.  My friend and partner.  When I met her she was suffering with a life threatening Crohn's disease situation.  "Coincidentally" her neice, her abused sister's daughter also has Chron's.  Both are slowly starving to death as more and more of their intestines are being removed.  I personally believe that the roots of this affliction are psychological.  

I have my own issues with my father, but they pale against what I have seen this past year.

                                               HASAN PAL


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2005, 10:58:43 AM »
Philip: have you read the Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle or __________ (insert a whole host of books on philosophies/enlightenment here)?   I think I understood your meaning with your first post.  Your friends are fortunate to have someone who is awake to light their path.
From what I have observed, people on this post are accustumed to hearing queries as initial posts, not philosophies.  Perhaps that explains the confused responses?


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2005, 11:33:16 AM »
Quote from: mum
Philip: have you read the Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle or __________ (insert a whole host of books on philosophies/enlightenment here)?   I think I understood your meaning with your first post.  Your friends are fortunate to have someone who is awake to light their path.
From what I have observed, people on this post are accustumed to hearing queries as initial posts, not philosophies.  Perhaps that explains the confused responses?

Thank-you mum.  Yes I have read Tolle's book.  In fact I presented the set of flash cards to my friend in question that Tolle has marketed as a follow up to his book "The Power of Now".  

In my opinion, and I emphasize that it is my opinion,  sooner or later, no matter what the level of damage one has suffered, a choice must be made by the victim to remain a victim or to do something else.  Years ago I went through a set of EST type seminars with my daughter.  Later I began to staff as a volunteer.  One of the first concepts that they taught us was that we generally phase through 3 different roles.  The roles are victim, villain and martyr.  The goal of the seminars was, in part, to show people how they could choose another path; that of leader.

The guest who responded to my earlier post encouraged me to feel the anger.  It is a positive step out of the victim role.  Yet, it is admittedly only a step.  The goal is obviously a loving, peaceful future.  I have done my own share of damage.  I carry that and it softens my judgement of others.  I have found it useful to remain steadfast in my desire to do no further damage and recognize when my childhood imprinting is interfering with this goal.  I thank you for your response.

                                               HASAN PAL


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2005, 01:04:10 PM »
Philip, I appreciate the dialogue.  It is always nice to talk to fellow travelers.
Have you read or heard Pema Chodron?  Her work always inspires me, as do most Buddist teachers.  What humans do to other humans to escape/avoid pain is always surprising.  What humans can do help each other heal and transcend is even more profound.


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2005, 01:33:33 PM »
Phillip:  What a wonderful concept.  A journey from victimhood to responsibility and leadership.  It is a journey.  Very uplifting.  Patz


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2005, 02:16:35 PM »
Quote from: mum
Philip, I appreciate the dialogue.  It is always nice to talk to fellow travelers.
Have you read or heard Pema Chodron?  Her work always inspires me, as do most Buddist teachers.  What humans do to other humans to escape/avoid pain is always surprising.  What humans can do help each other heal and transcend is even more profound.

Dear mum,

  I have heard of Pema Chodron.  I have never read any of her work.(I recall that she is female)  My personal interests fall within the reams of human motivation, healing and psychology.  I am a certified hypnotherapist and have studied astrology for over twenty years.  

I am very interested in the holographic nature of reality and the human brain.  My latest readings include Dr. Stephen Wolinsky's "Trances People Live"  and his theories on what he has termed "Quantum Psychology".  

He refers to "false core" issues within each of us with resulting "false core compensators".  He states that psychological issues that cause one to live in reaction rather than deliberately are based on false assumptions that we have adopted, usually as children, in order to maintain some sort of internal stability.  We unconsciously take these "trances" into our adult life, and when our internal integrity is threatened, we automatically flip into the childish loop of defensive response.  Unfortunately, very few adult problems can be solved with childhood resources.  

In some of his more recent work, and as a result of his synthesis of Hindu, Buddhist and western psychology, he states that one can never reach a full understanding of self, since we are a part of the "essence" of all that exists.  We can only approach who and what we are by stripping away the layers of what we are NOT.  He says for some there is peace and wholeness in this direction, but not necessarily.

He says that modern psychology often fails because an assumption is made that the individual is somehow broken.  Once you strip away the layer of  the "False Core" that is disfunctional, the distress goes with it.  

Wolinsky stresses that there is only one essence, that permeates everything.  All else is merely a condensation of that essence, and by definition, to condense is to delete information.  We humans are just not in a position to see the big picture.  He says, whatever one's assessment of self is, it is wrong.  To define self is to limit self, based on faulty and incomplete information.  

So I guess the issue is:  Let go of the false assumptions concerning self, by whatever tools that work, when those assumptions limit your freedom to live as you would choose.  Anyway thanks for letting me share these ideas and get them somewhat straight in my own mind.  Peace.

                                               HASAN PAL


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2005, 02:36:06 PM »
Philip: thanks for the book synopsis and recommendation.  I will look into it.
It always amazes me  how many paths and teachers there are, all with much of the same information or at least intention, packaged in as many ways as there are souls, it seems.  A recent book I have found is: Debbie Ford's: the Secret of the Shadow.  Only started it, but the concepts are less quantum physics and more Oprah, but thought provoking and thus helpful all the same.
On the Quantum Physics side of things: I am sure you have seen the film "what the bleep do we know?"  A funny comment, from my sister, after reading a scathing review blasting the physics angle of the movie:  "I'm glad I am not smart enough to question it".
Faith/science. Hmmmm.   Such a big universe. Have a joyful day.


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2005, 03:26:48 PM »
I am that person that Phillip referenced with sincere compassion and insight. I was that person who spent thier lives as a prisoner of my own acceptance. Never knowing that it was because of my tragic upbringing, from which it always felt as though there were no escape...the things that happened to me were deeply embedded in my psyche. It controlled every action, every thought, every dream, every nuance of who I was. I was a victim, and I fit right into that role. It defined who I was and how I thought of myself. Because of those influences, It was deeply ingrained in me that things would always be this way. I would walk around the rest of my life with this black cloud over my head and a lead ball in my stomach. Never fully living life, never able to step out of the way I was designed to be.

And then there was Phillip. He showed me how to stop being the victim, and how to be the victor over all of the things that were inside me. He showed me that I was worthy of love, that I was a woman of worth and substance, value and he showed me unconditional love. I stopped being a victim, by just walking out of a repressive situation and taking charge of my own destiny. He took me by the hand and literally showed me how to be the victor and release myself from the chains that were binding me. I didn't know that it was me holding those chains around myself. It was me who had the key to unlock the heartache and free myself from the things of my past that hurt me. The things that were destroying me.

I owe more to Phillip than I could possibly ever describe. I view life with a whole new perspective now. I am worthy. I am worthy of love. I can give and receive love. The things that held me captive, no longer have a hold on me. This is not to say that I am home free...I am certain that my whole life I will have to work at things. But now I am on the right path.


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Letting Go Of The Past
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2005, 07:30:45 PM »
to Philip and his friend:  I am so grateful to hear your story (not the life circumstance one, but the true self one you have helped each other discover).  I, too, will still work at this life thing.  I still observe that I can conduct my life as an emotional reaction to outside influences.  I just recieved news from my attorney, that we have reached a dead end, as far as the courts go, in my relocation matter.  Long story, but essentially I am not allowed to move where I wish without my ex husband or the court's permission (unless I want to leave my children...yup, I know, I make that choice!).  What I noticed was that it affected me in a very fear based way, and brought up frustration, anger, and fear all over again for me, that I thought I had purged.  
But now I recognize and acknowledge how that all feels, and allow myself to feel it, without judgement, so that I can process this something with it.  What?  Let it go.  Plain and simple.  Let it go. Choose something else to feel when it's gone. (and let it go again in 10 minutes when it comes back...and again until I am bored of this).
 I am not my life "story".
So thanks for the reminder.  Gonna go play with my dogs.