One other thought. The more you are afraid, the more you are attacked. It is logical. (blood in the water and all) see discussion on affirmations (energy discussions).
Take some (any) kind of step forward, but mostly stop telling yourself you are afraid. Stop telling yourself what you don't want, how much this sucks (yes, it does) and start focusing on what you want. Good thing to find out what that is. In crisis, we rarely have a chance to breathe, never mind figure out what we want from life.... our reptilian brain is doing all the work at the time.
If at all possible, at least in your home alone, FIND ONE MOMENT to let go, stop thinking and obsessing about all this horrible stuff. Choose to find that time, ask the universe to present it to you. Imagine and feel what it would be like to have what you want (peace, health, healthy happy people surrounding you....whatever you want). What would that feel like? What if all this trash was over and gone? Pretty soon, you will find more peaceful moments to reflect on what you want and start to feel that. It will come.
I am convinced this is how we create our life experience. What? We can create it for ourselves? YUP... we already do. So when we see it's a choice we can see this: Victim= powerless......Creator=powerful. Now what is it you want?
Take a step forward (restraining order, whatever) and TAKE your life back. YES, you do deserve it. You are powerful. You and your life situation are two distinctly different things. So you may have made mistakes....join the club, it doesn't mean we have to stay stuck with those forever. It's okay to own your power!!!!!! Those sick crazy animals will stop smelling fear and focus on other prey.
Bless you. I am sending you images of yourself as FEARLESS