Author Topic: In Search of My "Self"  (Read 3289 times)


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In Search of My "Self"
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2005, 06:56:14 PM »

Thanks for asking.  I have to say that I am feeling pretty darn good.  

My son was home from school last weekend and we went out for Chinese (our favorite).  In addition to having some great conversation I got a fortune that read "Everything will come your way now."  I am beginning to believe that now and having a positive mental outlook has created a great sense of peace within me.  I know that there will be setbacks along the way and more tears to be shed, but hopefully outweighed by happy times and hours of laughter.

The struggle consumes so much of our lives and I know you have been in the trenches with that.  I pray you begin to find some peace in your life, too, however that may find its way to you.



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In Search of My "Self"
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2005, 07:38:00 PM »
I have to say that I am feeling pretty darn good.

 :D  8)  :wink:  :D  8)  :wink:  :D  8)  :wink:


chutzbagirl - reply

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Glad you're feeling better
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2005, 11:20:09 PM »
Hi Brigid,

I'm glad you are feeling better.  Grief is a strange animal.  

These N's are something else - the more I understand them they leave me speechless.  They are tricky and they suck the self right out of us.  It has taken me a while to learn how to hear my heart - my needs, wants, desires.  It is still painful for me to ask others for what I need - but I'm getting better.  

I hope you give yourself the time to heal.  I'm learning that healing takes a while - much longer than my ego wants to admit.  I have the hardest time having compassion for myself.  But I think that will show immense healing - when the first reaction to my pain is compassion rather than impatience and disdain.  Healing and truth set us free.  I finally admitted my wings were broken, they are still healing but I'm going to fly sooner or later.

Chutzbagirl  :)


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Cheer up Bridg!
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2005, 11:51:38 PM »
Oh Bridgid!

You're always on here giving advice! You DO NOT sound like you're having a pity party for're having a day. I have good days, bad days, days I don't want to get out of bed.

You have your groups and therapist to see, so not only do you have them, but us too. And you're getting so many different points of view too!

I can empathize (I am SO NOT AN N!!!) about feeling lost. I dont' know whether I am coming or going some days. I don't know who "Andrea" is anymore. I was trying so hard to be what my N wanted, I'm confused as to who I was once before.

I still have the leftover guilt of not living up to his expectations. I'm still thinking I should really try to lose the 40 lbs, I want to change my haircolor, and I just want to be this whole new person to escape what I was. Not for him, but just to prove that I can do it without him breathing down my neck.  Plus I want to see his face when I complete what I want to do. I want him to feel that want like I have all these months.

And the funny thing is, last week I met his sister in law for the first time while out. She was telling me how all the women, including his MOTHER told him what an idiot he was for not staying with me. They were like, she cooks, she cleans, she's beautiful, she loves you...and its' still not good enough? I guess they're all pretty angry with him.

But then she looked at me and says, "I know you're still in love with him, I can see it on your face..." and I could of just died. Does he see my pathetic wanting puppy face too? Is that why he does what he does? I'm so terribly honest and weak?

Anways, this is supposed to cheer up bridg, not for me to vent further. I just havent' been on in a few days and missed you. Plus I guess I did have to vent!


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In Search of My "Self"
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2005, 04:37:14 AM »
Wish me luck as I move back in time and start the next phase of work to heal the damage.

Good luck! I know you can do it, you have been so helpful to me, and I'm sure others on this board, so I'm suer you can help yourself. Yes, it is painful, but I'm sure there will be great happiness on the other side of the pain, and you sure deserve a lot of happiness. :D  8)

I can empathize (I am SO NOT AN N!!!)

You go girl! Tell it like it is, and no apologies or excuses! 8)  :D  8)
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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In Search of My "Self"
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2005, 08:20:31 AM »
Mudpup, Chutzaba girl, (dre), Sleepyhead,
You guys make me cry with your kind words.  Thanks for beginning my day on such a loving note.
