I can relate to your surreal comment. I still feel like I have entered the twilight zone. In less than 2 years I have gone from a 53-year-old woman who thought she was happily married, had finally reached financial comfort and stability, had just sent my first child to college and was beginning to think about our empty nest years; to someone who has had to completely reconstruct my view of the future, have lost my husband, his family, our home, much of my dignity and self-esteem and all of my ability to trust. However, I have to look at the positive side that I now know that I have the possibility of a happy future which could never have been the case with my N husband. I finally realized that I would rather have a happy 25th anniversary than a miserable 50th. Now that I have done more research on this subject, I think it is likely that my own father was NPD as well, and he made all of our lives miserable until the day he died.
I was so concerned initially of the impact on my children of not having an intact family. My therapist has taken away those concerns and told me that ultimately the kids will be better off if they can see their mother in a healthy relationship with a man who is truly loving and supportive.
You will continue to feel disoriented for some time to come, but just keep working on yourself and the healing process.