Hi, everybody. I have had a few interesting conversations with my ex recently regarding my son's poor progress in school. My boy is a junior in high school. He is very intellegent, but has a definite lazy streak when it comes to school. In the past, he has always managed to get by, by a close margin. In the past, his dad would also be out of the picture for long periods at a time, and he would be only with me, not going back and forth every weekend. Lately, dad is around a lot.
Yesterday, my son recieved his most dismal progress report so far... His dad went NUTS on him. His dad keeps calling me (he is at dad's for one more night) and alternately blaming me (oh, FYI: our daughter gets straight A's so that arguement won't fly!) and spewing venom toward and about our son....uses threats of NOT sending him to a summer program this summer (his "birthday present" from dad from LAST YEAR) and basically restricting him even more than he already is (my kid has little or NO freedom when with dad). Ex N has also, called back after being soooo pissed, to tell me "I am NOT that father like in the "Great Santini"
(did any of you see that film.....I never brought that up....methinks he dost protest too much)....
then he also starts talking like a person who could actually have compassion for his son, or show the kid a little mercy (my suggestion).
I am a little concerned that when he acts semi-caring, that I will let my guard down (this is the same guy who was emotionally abusive, cheated on me, berated me each day, took me to court and slung nasty legal mud, etc, and has prevented me from relocating and pursuing my life "because he can"). I want to do what's best for my son, but I do not trust this man, and with good reason.
I believe his ego is so tied into his son's success at school, that he can't relax about it (not that the guy relaxes ever! oh, except every night at "happy hour").
Anyway, my son called me crying last night....feeling like a total loser, depressed, terrified that his dad will pull aside his straight A girlfriend again and tell her all about what a lousy student her boyfriend (my son) is. My ex actually brags about that to me, like he has some cool, "in" relationship with her (told me twice so far) and my son counts it as one of the most humiliating moments of his life....
Bottom line, though, my kids will tell me this stuff but will not tell dad. They simply say they "can't", because the risk of his anger is too great.
I suggested to my ex, that perhaps our son "gets" dad more and more pissed off the less and less he cares about school, that in a way, this is how he rebels. What my ex cannot and will not hear (as in HOW DARE YOU< I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THAT FROM YOU!!) is that the kid is scared of him and this is his sad (as in it only really is hurting my son) way to secretly rebel against his control.
I am going back to court soon, to attempt to change this "every weekend at dad's" thing. Perhaps this all is happening so my kids finally get up the nerve to tell SOMEONE (other than me) how they feel about him/his controlling, I don't know. I have avoided court again so far because my kids don't want to be in the "hot seat" and because it's so expensive (I am already WAY in debt after losing my court case to be able to move), and because I really tend to wimp out/ get fried with the confrontation thing (I hate fighting).
Perhaps I need to stop pussyfooting around and just "pull the damn tooth" already with my kids and this mess. Maybe that's what they need me to do.
Any thoughts?