Author Topic: 4 phone calls and 4 voice mails from ex-N today - I'm mad  (Read 6833 times)


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4 phone calls and 4 voice mails from ex-N today - I'm mad
« Reply #30 on: February 12, 2005, 10:31:56 AM »
Thank you, mum. I think that's exactly the approach I'll take, for today anyway. And so what if he did contact my friend? And so what if my friend actually does think less of me? I shall keep in mind the wisdom of Dr. Suess

So say what you mean and do what you feel. Those who matter won't mind and those who mind, won't matter. (something like that -- hope I didn't botch it too badly) 8)




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4 phone calls and 4 voice mails from ex-N today - I'm mad
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2005, 10:54:29 AM »
Quote from: bludie
He sounded so defeated in his last couple of VMs (You win, bludie. Take it. You've now managed to steal over $--thousand dollars from me. You say you live a spiritual life. You say you try to live honestly. This proves that you don't."

I'm glad you relayed this because it reaffirms what I think of him. He is a huge manipulator who will say whatever he thinks will work to get what he wants. It's all garbage. If he thinks appealing to your "honesty" and "spirituality" will get him the money, he plays that card. That's what this is about. Please don't take the bait to prove your spirituality to this hustler!

He further went onto say that my friend, whom he phoned late in the night when so clearly inebriated, said that my ex-N should let it all go. That I will suffer in the long run because my dishonesty will "eat at me a little bit every day for the rest of your life."

(A) Who knows if your friend said that. (B) If your friend said that, he is no friend of yours. He sounds like The Godfather!

Perhaps I should have tried to discuss things with him.

I don't think so. There is nothing to discuss with a manipulator like him. All you can do is fend him off in the ways suggested by Patz. Remember "The Loser" article? It tells you how to deal with people like your ex.

My feedback is not to call your friend for the following reasons: (A) Most people don't want to be dragged into these disputes and start distancing from both partners as a result; (B) Your friend will make his own decisions about you, and if he doesn't know enough to value your character over the sociopath's, he's no friend of yours anyway.



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4 phone calls and 4 voice mails from ex-N today - I'm mad
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2005, 11:31:28 AM »
Hi Bludie,
I just want to comment on what you said about 'my no-contact method may have reinforced his conclusion that I was trying to rip him off.'
I agree with you that when we choose non-contact, it does mean that our exes are free to interpret our silence in any way they choose, and with their often bizarre thought processes, their interpretation may be a long way from our reality.This is certainly very frustrating, especially if they can't or won't base their interpretation on what they 'should' know of our characters.

As you said, this is a price that we are paying for our 'self-preservation,' to avoid getting involved in fruitless exchanges, or subjecting ourselves to either deliberate or offhand cruelty.

Keep strong dear Bludie,



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4 phone calls and 4 voice mails from ex-N today - I'm mad
« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2005, 05:54:37 PM »
You're right, Lara, it is frustrating that their interpretation is so scewed from our reality.......but: at a certai point, who cares?  If we don't they can't hurt us.
My ex convinced lots of people that he repeatedly cheated on me because I wouldn't let him be part of the family (ie, I wouldn't let him be irresponsible with the children, I didn't agree with his punitive parenting methods, he left for long periods of time during which he screwed other women, he berated and verbally abused me and then was angry that I wasn't interested in sex with 2 am when he came home drunk repeatedly). There!  That felt good!
But the bottom line is this: who cares who believes what.  I know my truth, and I am content with that.  Why would I want his sick family and naive friends  to like me anyway?  I like me.


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4 phone calls and 4 voice mails from ex-N today - I'm mad
« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2005, 07:33:41 PM »
Such wonderful wisdom, ladies. Lara, thanks for your perspective. I know you've recently experienced a painful bout with your ex-N, so I appreciate your support.

You're right no contact left him to fill in the blanks. But really this was the case most all along. In classic N-fashion he really had little empathy for anyone (not lasting). Even his children were a secondary consideration. I think he had moments of shame or guilt; usually at night when he couldn't sleep. But he kept himself in pursuit of so many things and steeped in so much drama that guilt was a fragment emotion, as bunny suggested.

Well, I believe we're getting through all of this. With each other's help, of course. I feel I have some wonderful virtual friends here. Thank you.




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4 phone calls and 4 voice mails from ex-N today - I'm mad
« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2005, 10:38:53 PM »
Oh, bunny. I reread the Carver article. It reaffirmed much of what I needed to hear today. I did handle things okay despite what he, my friend, or even my mother ('did you really call the police?') think.

I know few people in this community. When downtown today, however, I bumped into a woman who met and knew my ex-N. She asked how things were going and I gave her a brief recap. She is a very reserved and diplomatic person. But she told me that she never had a good feeling about him from the first time they met. My daughter was with me and they both agreed he is/was a horse's arse. We all sort of chuckled actually. The laughter was a welcome relief (laughing and crying the same relief).

So, these little things prop me up when my resolve is low or my brain reverts to 'if onlys.'




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4 phone calls and 4 voice mails from ex-N today - I'm mad
« Reply #36 on: February 13, 2005, 03:14:39 PM »

I think mum, bunny and the rest who have weighed in on contacting the "friend" is correct.  Anything you would say would fall into "methinks you doth protest" to much catagory.  

Most narcs go to friends, or anyone else for that matter, when things begin to fall apart to devalue you and the relationship.  It is a familiar pattern with all of them.  Your true friends will just look at him with crossed eyes and go "say it ain't so!"  LOL.

In reply to your question on my line of work.  Well I used to teach school, I was a child of a dysfunctional family with a narc as head of the household for about 20 years,  I was a parent to my mother, I had my on physical issues (asthma, eczema until teen years), married a engineer who was also a narc, cared for a ill mother-in-law, and am currently taking care of an autistic son.  

The following qualifications are not to make you feel sorry or to respond in , ahem, awe (LOL) but to let you know that by virtue of surviving this chaos, I am still mentally (some would question) intact!  I have learned over the years that "this shall pass" is really true.  What you think is so horrific and no solution in sight, is really passing.  You look at the people around you (say the narcs) right now..........just where do you think these people are going to be in  your life in 12 months, 5 years, etc.  Probably nowhere.  

I finished reading article in SmartMoney magazine (this months) on what make's people happy.  They found it is not the money that makes you happy, although those living on the edge would question that.  What makes  you happy is good relationships in  your family, with your spouse and spending time with your children.  Rich people do not have money only wealthy people have money.  The difference is that rich people are rich in those things that truly give meaning to life.  They interviewed people from around the world.  The Masi tribes of the Serengeti were happy.  By all appearances they lived in mud huts, wore grass skirts, carried spears, hunted each day.....but were happy.  Why?  Because most of the investments they eskewed as important revolved around their families.

Most of us responding at this site (global statement) suffer from very dysfuntional families, with narc SO.  We long for these connections.  We want them in the people that brought us into the world.  Such has never been the case with me.  I have had to make my own place, my own home for myself and son.  I have made that soft place to land.  If you have been reading some of my other posts, I had to get on the boat and set my own sail.  No one else would do it for me.  I did not say it did not come with pain and suffering.  Success nevertheless came.  

I encourage all of you not to settle.  To settle for second best.  By all accounts woman are likely to live to 85.  Just what part of this 85 years are you willing to spend on people who do not love you, do not appreciate you?  This is an investment that has gone belly up.  Press on to the mark that God has meant for you to achieve.  Life is truly a journey, where you end up is up to you and God.  

Even though I have worked through many issues, I still have outstanding
issues with narcs in my family.  My own brothers, but I recognize them for who they are. I take the parts I can stand and work with that, and work around the narc parts.  I have a brother I have not spoken to in 2 years.  I currently have another narc brother who is very manipulative when I call.  I just know to whom I am speaking and recognize the narc parts for what they are.  In this respect even though he feels he has control over the conversation, he really doesn't.  I pick and choose what I will and will nto tolerate.  You have to be very clear with narcs in this respect.  Be blunt if you have to so no ambiguty exists in the information you are conveying.  It they deny you said such and such, I just reply, that's your problem itsn't it?  Then just go on.  Over time you learn to build that wall between you and narcs so the hurtful does not penetrate, and it becomes like water off a duck's back.  Narcs spend a lot of time with the "hooks".  They knew were the soft spots are.  These are the very spots you have to toughen up so the hooks cannot go in.

What do you care if they regard you less than......  respond to them as if you are mirroring their conversation.  The key word here is care.  You cannot care, as narcs view  you less than human in the first place. I think we all are puzzled by the fact others can go through life not "caring".  Swindlers mostly take money, narcs are swindlers of the "emotions".  They suck up every last drop and cannot understand why you cannot give more.  They are truly vapid creatures.

I post here because I am continue to learn.. it helps me to know there are others with as much insight and I might just be missing something important that I need to know.  Much love to all, Patz


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4 phone calls and 4 voice mails from ex-N today - I'm mad
« Reply #37 on: February 13, 2005, 03:30:38 PM »
Patz: thank you. Your last post was inspiring, and for me, wonderful timing.


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4 phone calls and 4 voice mails from ex-N today - I'm mad
« Reply #38 on: February 13, 2005, 05:14:45 PM »
Thanks very much, Patz, for elaborating. Now that some of my emotions have subsided, I am seeing this for what it is: the coup de grace of emotional blackmail and guilt warfare. He certainly made his mark this week but it's not going to prompt any overt action on my part. I will not contact the friend and make him the tribunal in this situation.

Also, I will not do anything financially. This was never about the money for me. I was comfortable and secure prior to him. We weren't living lavishly but my daughter and I had everything we needed. I can see now that the biggest draw was how he made me feel (in the beginning) and then what kept me was the familiar hooks (highly dysfunctional) from childhood.

You have all been wonderful in helping me sort through this. I am not nearly as undone by what happened this week as was the case last fall when we broke up. Thank you one and all.

