Excellent post, Phillip. You know, just thinking about my X...realing that All that pain is gone...it's completely vanished. I thought I was going insane and that I would die or never recover. He treated me so badly yet the worse and worse he treated me, the harder I tried to fix it. Every day it got harder and harder. I didn't know what was happening to him. He would see a conspiracy behind every wall. He couldn't trust himself so he never saw the real me, how desparately I wanted to make him happy, to please him, to say just the right thing, to BE just the right thing, all the while walking on eggshells, afraid that he was going to flip out on me and not make sense.
It got so bad that he wouldn't even let the landlord come to our door, to collect the rent. He actually freaked out on the poor guy, he told him that if he wanted the rent, to call him on his cell phone and he would meet him downtown! This is how he treated me, he wouldn't even let me SEE another man, let alone even talk to one. He always said he felt inadequate, and so convinced was he that I would run away with another man or cheat on him, that he even thought that if he just slipped out to the corner store, that I would have an affair on him in fifteen minutes.
Now this is REALLY embarassing to share with you all, and it is shocking. But, he accused me of cheating on him with a neighbor (I didn't know of anyone that I would have cheated with either) and he came back from the store freaking out, paranoid, asking me, "How do I know that you didn't just cheat on me?" So...I did the unthinkable. I humiliated myself, which gave my husband great comfort. I took his hand, put it into my panties and made him feel me there, to prove that I hadn't just had sex. I was mortified, and he was relieved. I actually had to prove to him that another mans seminal fluids were not in me. I felt like one of those Islamic extremist woman, who is never trusted by her husband.
I saw a show of Amnesty International yesterday. This man had shot his wife in the back and killed her, and he bold facedly said right on the TV camera that "Women are despicable creatures, they cannot stay failthful to one man." I remembered how my husband made me feel, like I was a dirty rotten whore or a slut, when all I wanted was to please him and be everything for him that he wanted me to be. The perfect wife...only I could never reach that with my husband. After the final breakup with my husband, I became so afraid of him that he was going to kill me, that I started thinking he was ontop of buildings, following me, spying on me, watching me. I ended up having a breakdown that landed me in the hospital for five weeks.
The whole time I was trying to save our marriage, the thing that I was losing was myself, little by little. Piece by piece, I was losing myself, I wasn't loving myself, I blamed myself, and now, looking back, the single most important thing that I was missing was that he didn't deserve me. I needed to learn how to love myself, and answer the question to myself, "why did I let this man nearly destroy me?" Where was the love for myself? And my only answer is, that I grew up never knowing love and always tried so desparately to find it. Making wrong choices in men...Ilet them abuse me and in turn abused myself.
Don't feel bad for me, I am so much better these days, I have found a man who truly loves me, and trusts me (that is hard to get used to...being actually TRUSTED) and I am learning how trustworthy I really am. After it all....I think this has been a most exciting life, so much I've learned and so much I know I have yet to learn. Now that I have love in my life, trust in my life, I still catch myself with those negative self images...finally, for the first time in my life I am feeling the freedom that being trusted brings. You realise that you are "allowed" to say this or that, or to even talk to other men without my sweety thinking I am going to cheat on him or have an affair. He trusts me!! I know I am trustworthy, and deserving of the love that I've wanted so much all my life. Be happy for me, I am a success story. I feel as though I have come full circle, and I am so inlove with the man I am with, I've never known such complete love and trust before. I tell him that I feel lucky.