Miaxo: Oh, my god, we were married to the same person!!! This is exactly the kind of stuff my ex does! I wonder if your ex has money....if so, he may be making a stink because everytime his lawyer contacts your lawyer it costs you money too.
I was told by many people in the "field" that my ex does this crap because the healthier I get the worse he spins out of control. He is desperate to control me and can't.
Laugh....a lot. It's like watching a dog chase his tail! Get mad and tell him to back off, too (better yet, have your lawyer do it....he could be charged with harrassment!) I have a lawyer friend, in a different state, who tells me I should file complaints against him constantly so he will back off (he has $ but is cheap). I still toy with the idea, but I think he loves the fighting more than anything, so I don't.
He just likes any attention, I guess.
My children were young when I divorced him, so yes, you have years to go with this. Whatever you do, don't sign a divorce decree when you wish he would just shut up....I did, and now I am stuck in this state and can't move (although he can go anytime)!
Hang in there.....not having a "charge" emotionally or an emotional reaction to his antics (that he knows about!) is the best medicine for you....and yes, the worst for him (but who cares about him).
I know it's hard to share kids with such a person, believe me. Your kids will learn how to love from you, not him (ever).