I have had a lot of these types of successful, charming, narcissistic boyfriends. And one thing I noticed about them, and about women friends I made before I realized what was going on, is that they are really great with new people. The first few interactions or few months, people always love them. I know I did! They make good conversation. Their jokes are funny. They look you right in the eyes as if they care deeply about what you're saying. It's only when I realized (after only about 1000000 disappointments!) that I was just their audience, not a person, that I was able to really see what was up. They were looking in my eyes for my reaction to them, not to see me. One big hint was that they never seemed to remember anything I had said...
They go through this pattern over and over again. Fortunately for them, there are always new people. For attractive successful men, there seem to always be 25 year olds willing to adore them, no matter how old they get. As the women get wise they can trade them in on a new one.
I think a lot of professions have endless cycles of new people to impress, and this is why many narcissists excel in those kinds of jobs. New constiuents, new students, new clients, new congregation members.