Vunil: Belief systems are so very personal, intrinsically neither right nor wrong, so it would be ridiculous to tell anyone they "see something the wrong way", but if you are instead asking for another perspective, I'll offer mine.
I believe we have a great part, if not the most part in creating our lives. I think its' true, but I don't quite have the hang on how to do it, however.
I believe (know) we will die (to this life) as well. We rarely get to choose how we die (ok, some do, directly and indirectly). People who get a disease are not "asking for it" or creating it per se. Instead, and this may sound a lot like old fashioned "blind faith' (hey , anyone remember that band?..I digress): The world/God/the universe/whatever is the bigger picture.... gives us exactly what we need to learn as a soul. Now if you are convinced that life here on earth is all there is, then dying is a very horrible thing, to be greatly feared (I will agree to avoid it when I can, however). We will die. Plain and simple. But if you believe this life is a wonderful thing to learn and enjoy on our way (where?) then it becomes easier to accept whatever this life throws us. (for me). Easy for me to say, I suppose, and I'm sure when some horrible shit comes my way this theory will be tested.
Accepting death however is the ultimate relief! If we can find a way not to be afraid to die.....just imagine! Then we can extrapolate that into smaller things (since that one is huge) if we are not afraid of those nasty N's in our life, our lives get better (lots of us are seeing that or aiming for that).
What I have seen is that since I have stopped thinking of myself as a victim of life's circumstances (well, I have my days).... I am happier and more in control, peaceful, powerful. I see how my choices in dealing with how life has handed me things IS up to me...and I think when I feel good inside, life matches that, and hands me more good stuff. Or, you could say, hey it hands you bad stuff, you're just not seeing it that way! To which I would say: EXACTLY!