I've mentioned this one before, but after a particularly difficult day involving bank accounts and missing money etc:
It's a good job that didn't happen to me; I would never have been able to cope with that' (from mum) followed by
'Yes, it's a good job it wasn't your mother.' from dad.
'I'm supposed to be your mother!!!' said as an accusation, to which I replied 'Well act like it then!'. To which she took great offence.
During a confrontation I was moving away, and she grabbed my arm and pulled me round to face her. I said 'Don't you touch me!' and she said
'I never touched you!!' I took a deep breath, counted to 10 and then said, 'That is a bare faced lie.'
Also, one from dad.
'Why do you have to think about the bad times, why not just remember the good times?' To which I replied, 'What good times?'
Also, dad discussing his marriage to my mum,
'What if we had never met, where would you be then?' I told him; 'Better off.'
Oooh, and one from today. My younger brother has bought and sent me a book. The title is:
REINVENTING YOUR LIFE: the Breakthrough Program to end Negative Behaviour and Feel Great Again
What I actually need is one entitled 'I am fine just as I am, thanks; I just need help believing it.', or 'If you think I am bad, you should meet my family.'

Last one he sent me was 'Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway.'