All of you responding on my behalf is so very touching to me.
Longtire, I do believe looking at it as an adventure is fun. going out of state on my own is scary and I don't want to risk danger so I will be looking for saftey nets before I head off.
Mudpuppy, you sound very kind to offer help to get me out of here.
I'm going to get some tax money back any day and I will be on my way.
..."may God reward him according to his works
We all make choices, Knowing you have done or said something hurtful is not rocket science.
It can be even more hurtful when My-H can quote so much of the bible, but not apply it to his life.
Today I get home from work.
My H is telling me, be sure and not contact him and it's good I will be in another State.
He then tells me he will be demanding a blood test to check me for
Bi-bolar. I have mental problems and not fit to raise a child.
I asked him if he believes I have problems and he does not ? He claims the doctors take his blood all the time and they would have noted it.
I don't believe they check for this unless there is a reason.
He has no Idea I have his Medical report on his Self-absorbed N Diagonosis. I have never told him he is N, only because It would do no good. He would make remarks that I think he has a problem and it would make him more hostile.
He claims he has no problems, maybe selfish, but that's it.
I don't believe he understands his medical report and what it means to those understanding all of the behaviors that play along with being an N.
I was only being on this site here that I even understood.
He told me to take every thing we have, It's not much but just the same as things are moved out I want it clear I expect to take my daughters bed and few things with out conflict.
He is talking about divorce and knowing I want to leave, it sounding odd, how he plans on coming back with ideas of me having to be tested to be able to take care of our daughter.
Lots to think about. one thing on my mind. the boat has left the dock.