I read everybodies post from day one, and I realize the fog I was in. I realize you were all right about her inabilities to love me. I realize that this N stuff is real and that my involvement with her has opened so many wounds. It was my dad who died in my arms, not a stranger. I just dont understand how she could be so cruel and use my dad against me to bring on the pain. Where is her soul, and why did she pick me to hurt so bad? I have so many questions. I just want to understand why somebody would go out of their way to be impressed with my life, and then want to burn it to the ground because she feels I didnt give her 80% of my life to nurture her. I hate that she thinks I didnt respect her job. Some of the kindest people I met were at the hospital when he was dying. I just wish she understood that I never meant disrespect to her career, I just dont know how she could think I didnt care. I was there everynight, and she said nothing about me not meeting her needs. Our conversations were arbitrary, about old people and ideal love they have. I know its the N, I know the definition. I just want her to be the way she was, I had so many plans for us that I beleived she wanted too. Her island is her career. Not me. I hope this never happens again. I cant handle anymore. Thanks to everyone who tried to help me understand. I get it, but god I hate it. I hate that my holidays were ruined again. First by my family, now by her.