Hi October, Mum:
Now you two got me giggling...picturing people counting fingers and toes.

Mine are too busy typing right now. Later. For sure!!
Hey! Mum! I agree totally about the dog. My dog is my real therapist!!

And now I have a 12 week old puppy to keep me hopping about! Boy! Did I forget how much work a pup is or what??? Still......as you say....they are such great companions....and no matter what happens.....they are always there, waiting for you, ready to be your friend. The love they give you is truly unconditional.
Budgie's are cool too! I've had them in the past. I loved the canary I had one time. He used to sing and sing.....early in the morning. He had such a beautiful voice! (only the males sing). He could really take my mind off my troubles. He was such a miracle, the little guy. But very, very frightened of people. After much time and patience of trying, he would finally sit on my finger, inside his cage. But that was it. Never could convince him that I wasn't going to eat him and he wouldn't let me pat him. No way.
Just thinking, October. Do you play cards with your daughter? Do you like to read together? What do you do for fun?
My kids used to love those things. Baking too. And we used to make home made play dough. I have a recipe that is simple and doesn't require anything fancy. Even when they were a bit older, we used to say that play dough and Leggo were not made
just for kids! Big kids and adults could have fun too! I had just as much fun as them. We had stacks of Leggo and built huge contraptions. Sometimes we baked our play dough creations and painted them. Made Christmas tree ornaments, Easter, etc. We made some really killer card houses too! We still do a crafts together.
All of these things are distractions but what the heck? If you can possibly find a way to have a bit of fun together....go for it!
I am trying to get that drink of water...
Good for you October!!! Soon we will all be in awe of your fresh, healthy look!!

Skin that shines and feels so soft! Hey! Maybe you and your daughter can give yourselves home-facials! We had a riot doing that!!