I dont know what to think about all this-I dont understand why I am so intimate with all these problems people have. I have been intimate with AIDS, bi polar, bulemia, and now this. I feel like I should have went to school to be a doctor. I am so lost, and I know you have given me great posts. I am not trying to obsess about my ex. She is a part of a bigger problem. I just wanted to beleive I found my friend, lover, person I could count on and who could count on me. I just found out another friend from my old work died today. Fifty five years old, and a nice lady. I really liked her. I am 36 and I am scared because I never have had the opportunity to be unconditionally loved or give love without a person freaking out. I lay in bed at night thinking about all the times I could have said something to help my relationship. I think about how many times I thought I said the things that made her feel special. I think about all the times I wanted to talk about us and how it never happened. I hate her telling me that she wanted to feel like the most important person in my life and I thought I was providing that for her. I hate the fact that I may never be able to find that love because the next will be worst than the one before. I hate the fact taht people lie about who they are. I talked to friends of mine who said they didnt understand how my ex and I were together because she was so quiet and I was so outgoing. I thought we complimented each other. She said she was proud, but never helped me with anything. I didnt know what to do to help her with school, I made no demands. I lived my life around her schedule. I feel like a bad man because I dont know what else I could have done. Not for any of them. I wish I knew why my personality is so attractive to these people in the beginning and then so vengeful in the end. I actually am admitting that I am voiceless now because it is my personality that I hate most. Not because I dont think I am good person, but because I dont have the slightest idea what I am doing to make the people I care about turn away and act like everything I did was for nothing. My ex actually told me near the end, I will give you back all the gifts you gave me except the palm pilot-I need that for work. What a hurtful thing to say. It was all for nothing. I am so dead inside knowing I never had anything real in my life. I tell God every night-whatever it is I did to deserve this-I am sorry. I jsut want to feel good inside like I used to. I am back to square one. Thanks for listening.