Good morning:
Ideally everyone will have acess to a fine psychologist or psycgiatrist as I do, and each time I feel 'stuck' I go back and work through thngs.
But if you can't:
here's what's helped me,my best tools.
I took Write's words to mean that these tools are being posted for the benefit of anyone here who doesn't have a psychologist or psychiatrist to work things through with. I see it as giving and sharing of info.
The fact the Write refer's to Write's psychologist or psychiatrist as "fine", makes me think that Write is happy with this professional and feeling very fortunate, and this makes me wonder if it might be what motivated Write to share the info re the link? Because Write may be empathizing with others who are not as fortunate and Write wishes to share and offer those who are without professional help something that might be of use?
Guest, you wrote:
I've had a tough year too and I don't have access to a fine psychiatrist.
Guest, I'm sorry that you have had such a tough year and sorry too that you don't have access to a fine psychiatrist. Do you see that it is possible that Write posted this link to offer you something good? In generosity rather than as a boasting of some sort?
Guest, the link that you posted, is it to boast, or are you genuinely interested in sharing info? Are you making some statement with that link?
Have you ever said anything a bit Nish in your life?
Do you always react perfectly?
Are you here to judge each person's post and their intentions and disect each word?
Or would you like to offer something, share something, give something back to this board that you think has helped you through this past "tough year"?
Are you trying to learn?
Are you possibly overly concerned with everyone using the proper words, rather than concentrating on getting what they are trying to be communicate?
And B: Did you get that Mudpuppy was trying to tell Mum that it's ok to let go and vent once in awhile?
Aren't you doing the same thing? Venting a bit?
B: Are you certain that your opinion is absolutely correct about Mudpuppy and Guest, are you positive about Write's intentions? How do you do that?