Author Topic: getting stuck  (Read 8229 times)


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getting stuck
« on: March 03, 2005, 05:37:48 AM »
I wanted to post about this: because it is a natural part of resetting our relationships.

Ideally everyone will have acess to a fine psychologist or psycgiatrist as I do, and each time I feel 'stuck' I go back and work through thngs.

But if you can't:

here's what's helped me,my best  tools

I DON't approve of any of the Sam Vaknin links on narcissism, though I understand why he needs to post them.

Think for yourself is the best advice I can give to anyone really....


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getting stuck
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2005, 06:03:28 AM »
Ideally everyone will have acess to a fine psychologist or psycgiatrist as I do, and each time I feel 'stuck' I go back and work through thngs.

But if you can't:

here's what's helped me,my best tools

I don't understand. Either your fine psychologist/psychiatrist is the ideal tool - or that website on belief is. Which helped you most?

Should I only use that website if I am not fortunate enough to have access to a fine psychologist/psychiatrist? Or should I use it if indeed I am myself a fine psychologist/psychiatrist?

I agree, thinking for ourselves is the very best we can do. Having our thinking (and actions) questioned by others encourages more thinking too. Agreed?


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getting stuck
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2005, 08:34:32 AM »
Dear Write:

I bet you posted here to share what has helped you with anyone interested.  Am I right, Write?

I have no questions about your thinking or actions.

Thankyou for sharing.



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getting stuck
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2005, 09:09:00 AM »
I bet you posted here to share what has helped you with anyone interested. Am I right, Write?

GFN you state your perception and assumption about someone else's motivation. Then you ask a question to obtain confirmation of your perception.

I have no questions about your thinking or actions.

Then you contradict yourself. Why?


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getting stuck
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2005, 09:38:53 AM »
Hi Guest:

Yes....your are right!  I did perceive and assume that Write had good intentions of sharing what has helped... with us.

And I did ask a question to confirm that, to make sure that my perceptions and assumptions of Write's intention are correct.

And I did say that I don't have any questions about Write's thinking or actions.

It does sound a bit contradictory, doesn't it?

Thanks for pointing that out.

It's Writes intentions--aim---purpose.... I'm referring to.
The action was to post the info....I don't question the action.
The thinking.....I don't question....I don't know what Write thinks but it seems Write might think the info is worth posting, since it was posted.

But Writes intention....seems obvious to me but maybe I'm daft.



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getting stuck
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2005, 01:04:03 PM »
Guest: okay, I'll bite!
Since you are on the subject of asking someone to explain thier motivations for a post, what's yours?

Why are you being so picky?  Are you having a bad day?  I felt irritated reading your post/questioning.  (my feelings, my choice)  You have every right to do what ever you want.  I have every right to think you are  being prodding in an unkind way to the original poster.  Geez, lighten up. Your manner of language reminds me of my ex (not fun or funny, except for him).

In an introduction to an art history lecture on the Dada movement, my professor planted grad students in the audience to stand up and say absurd, yet somewhat related challenges to things he said.  After realizing there couldn't be THAT many angry people in the lecture hall, we figured it out.....great lecture on the concepts behind the movement.

So, is that your point?  You agree we should think for ourselves.  I agree and will defend anyone's right to say anything they want and NOT feel the need to defend it. (including you)  GFN's assumptions (I assume too) are most likely based on the feeling tone on this board, which is supportive and caring.  I applaud GFN on her restraint and maturity in responding to you.
Sorry, I don't feel like being so kind. You hit an exNvictim nerve.


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getting stuck
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2005, 01:42:52 PM »
This is a useful link, thanks. I'm going to bookmark it.



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« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2005, 01:54:41 PM »
I was rambling a bit.

Yes, I posted the link because it's something I personally found useful.

I'm really lacking concentration right now, I can't follow all the threads but I keep trying to come back and be supportive. This board helped me get through the toughest year of my life.


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getting stuck
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2005, 03:54:30 PM »
Helloo again:

I applaud GFN on her restraint and maturity in responding to you.

Thankyou Mum.  Now you've got me blushing. :oops:   I felt kind of juvenile defending my post like that. :oops:

You, on the other hand, stated your feelings loud and clear and your right to express them.  That is maybe less restraintful (is there such a word?) but probably more honest and healthy and adult-like.

Guest:  I don't assume your questions were necessarily unkind but I did feel insulted for Write, reading your post.  Maybe my post to Write pushed some button of yours that caused you to think something and then to post back to me?  What did you think?  How did you feel?  No need to answer.

The point is....maybe you didn't mean to come across as you did?  And maybe you reacted to my post (a bit like I reacted to yours)?

I posted a positive comment, stating that I saw Write's post as sharing and thanking Write for doing so.   I could have been clearer about how I felt reading your post, but I wasn't.   I didn't want to directly confront you.  I might try harder next time to be more grown up and brave about it.
That's what I've learned.  Not to say that I will do better next time.  I'm a bit of a slow learner sometimes..especially with my ancient habits/coping skills. :roll:

Write:  I'm glad this board has helped you through such a tough year and I'm sorry that you had such a hard one and for your difficulty concentrating right now.  I'm glad you're here trying to give something back and I appreciate that very much.  Hope this coming year is a much better one for you. :D



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getting stuck
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2005, 04:50:16 PM »
GFN:  I'm not so sure I reacted appropriatelyat all. When the hair stands up on the back of my neck, though, something gives. My reaction tells me I am attached to something and I reacted without much awareness. I will attempt more patience.
 I have a distinct problem with conflict when I guess (that may be the operative word here) it may have mean spiritedness behind it.  I am open to the fact that I may be WAY off base in this instance.


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getting stuck
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2005, 05:17:25 PM »
Write: sorry to have been distracted after your post.  I went to that link and it is very useful indeed.  Thanks for sharing.  I agree with you on Vaknin.  Strange stuff...I'm not really sure what to think when I read his "work" considering his background.  
I am happy to hear you found help here.  I have, too.  Hope the next 12 months can be counted as "easy" in contrast to the last.


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getting stuck
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2005, 05:26:44 PM »
Don't worry about overeacting. I was going to post something a little juicier than you did before I got pulled away. Our antennae go up for a reason. SamV and his minions are notorious for trolling boards and responding to anyone who criticizes the Big Enchilada, and Write certainly did that, at least to an N it was criticism.
Besides, anyone who picks on GFN, who has been very nice to me, is a real pole cat, IMHO. :)



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getting stuck
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2005, 06:13:47 PM »
Mudpup, You're funny!
How (not) strange you mentioned the V people trolling boards...I almost added how interesting it would be to me if mentioning him again brought another unusual post!  Hmmmm.
Why on earth would these "people" do that? Because a narc is a narc is a narc?  Glad to hear I'm not the only one who caught that........either that or we're both paranoid.
Write (or anyone else for that matter) doesn't need that crap.


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getting stuck
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2005, 06:39:38 PM »
Hi mum,
you wrote,
Why on earth would these "people" do that? Because a narc is a narc is a narc? Glad to hear I'm not the only one who caught that........either that or we're both paranoid

I'm kinda slow. It took me awhile to spot the "people" wisecrack in your first sentence.
Is it even possible to be paranoid with an N in your life? I mean, when we turn around and spot somebody disappearing behind a corner, there really was somebody watching us. It was our N! To give an example, I got a letter from my lovely brother a couple of days ago with the usual threats. In one line he mentioned how I sit in my basement at my computer... Now I moved my office into the basement last April, long after I cut off contact with him, so my wife's immediate assumption was "He's been in our house!" We've both had that feeling previously, so I'm sure she's right.
We're not the paranoiders, we're the paranoidees. Why on earth would these "people" do that? Because a narc is a narc is a narc?
Write (or anyone else for that matter) doesn't need that crap




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getting stuck
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2005, 06:41:42 PM »
Sorry about that last sentence. Some of your first quote got grafted on somehow.