Hello again Bunny:
I understand that your disappointment predates ever meeting your therapist, that you are projecting onto the therapist, that that is what transference is and I still say.....you are doing very well to keep going regardless of your disappointment, and of all the transference.
I don't know if I could do that...being disappointed, "thinking" the therapist is not empathetic, preceptive, wise, etc... (but maybe I'm incorrect to think you might be thinking those things but if so....then how can you be disappointed, if not???). I'm too demanding. In my transference, I would be demanding professional stuff.....and thus cooking my own goose! I probably wouldn't go back......thinking the therapist was at fault...or maybe I wouldn't go to begin with, being disappointed before I even went. So good for you for being able to go.....to understand all of this....to be able to explain it.....etc.!!!
This is one of the oddest posts..isn't it? Ok.....then.....
I also understand......that in my state of hunger and my desire to get going and prepare dinner.....that I mixed in my own personal transference.....which stems from the poor experiences I had....due to actual behaviour of the therapists.........
Therefore....yes.....it seems like I misunderstood......but really...it was just my brain needing glucose and whatever else it needs to work properly (or else....I can use that as an excuse for now, until I think of a better one!!! heehee) and due to my inability to express my thoughts properly, especially, but not limited to, times when I am hungry.
And thanks....dinner was good. Hope yours was too.