Hi Echo,
Thanks so much for your support and suggestions. How are you? It sounds like you've figured out some great strategies for dealing.
How's your job search going? Do you know that you're definitely leaving? I wish I had left after 3 years - after 1 year I was set to go, but got sucked back in. First 2 years of our marriage sucked. The next 3 years were good, but we had the distraction and gift of having 2 kids. And, the past 3 years have sucked. With my N getting worse and worse - more aggressive, less apologetic, more irrational, demanding, self centered - he runs his own business and has been saying "Just give me 4 years and all your dreams will come true - you'll never have to work again." (I need to work bc I like it very much - hello? He doesn't get this.) And, "If you stick with me for the ride...." blah blah blah, and, "It has to be about me for the next 4 years." I almost bought into this self-centeredness but I know he chose his being an entrepreneur because of his Nism - rather than the other way around where he doesn't have to concentrate on himself bc of his job choice. Meanwhile, I've worked full time while getting an advanced degree part time, while being pregnant with, nursing, and taking care of 2 kids. It was and is, STILL all about him.
And............. ***warning, about to vent, vent, vent.........***, he's got hang-ups on order, organization, a bad temper in which he's broken chairs, etc. etc. in front of the kids, and he doesn't stop yelling or terrorizing the place in front of them. He's got obsessive compulsive traits - I have to: pick up the soap instead of just touching it with my fingers to wash my hands, and spin it around ("so you don't just leave germs on the soap), I have to keep the kitchen sponges filled with dish detergent ("so the sponges don't smell") - (I mean, WHO smells sponges anyway?!) I have to shake my hands after I wash them so I don't drip around the sink ("could get under the chrome of the sink and ruin it"). I have to shut my dresser drawers all the way without anything hanging out of them, I have to shut the closet doors all the way ("otherwise the hinges will become weak and the door will warp"), I can't use chopsticks for Chinese food or a spoon to help me eat my pasta (and I'm part Italian!) - because these things are too pretentious and bc he can't handle the sound of the spoon on the fork, I have to cut a bananna a certain way, I have to fold the (wet) towels up after using them rather than spreading them out ("folding them creates an air pocket" and even though less surface area isexposed, "they get drier better"), I have to keep my OWN clothes IN MY Dresser neatly folded, bc "what example does this set for our kids - we have to teach them the same thing." He used to mock me for chewing too loudly - his N mother does this trick EVERY time we sit down to dinner to humiliate either her sons or her husband - I mean for God's sake, chips and raw carrots are meant to crunch - I swear the woman's like a conehead or a non-human the way she eats potato chips - NO crunches, and one at a time, chewing in the back of her mouth so as not to make any noise - which causes its own noise which is gross, and which my N does as well.........I digress more and more, but I haven't told my story and this is a way to purge. So, if I don't listen to him - i.e. "Could you please wash the dishes in the sink before you finish putting the sauce on the chicken and putting it in the oven, because I don't have any room to wash my hands" - this when it will take me 2 seconds to stick the chicken in the oven and 10 to wash the dishes, and I want the chicken to be ready for supper ( and why can't he wash the damn dishes?) ............. so, I keep saying no to this "request" and he pushes me out of the way, throws the barbecue sauce across the kitchen, bangs the fridge so hard he breaks the bar on the door, yells, says, "I'm going to use the kitchen, you get out!" in front of our crying kids......
oh yes, and when I'm driving in the car, I have to put my sunglasses back in the overhead compartment if I take them off rather than leave them in my lap bc I'll just be putting them back on in a few minutes when it's sunny again - (of course this is for my own good, so my sunglasses don't get scratched or broken). Ironically, he ends up throwing my sunglasses across the car and breaking them when I don't comply) He's thrown my stuff off my dresser bc my dresser top has been too messy, poured orange juice on the counters bc they weren't clean enough, and besides all this humiliation, violence, demands, he is not "there" when we're together. Stares into space not saying anything during dinner, always has the t.v. on, etc. etc. Acts like I'm bothering him. Oh yes, and another thing, when I was nursing my 2nd baby when she was still a few weeks old, he demanded I get up from my lunch to put away the cold cuts ("right after you use them put them back in the fridge so they don't hang around"), and when I said I'd do it in a second, I was so hungry from nursing, and so tired frrom sleep deprivation, etc. he threw a fit. I could go (and have gone) on and on. I do feel hate for him, but also feel so sorry for him - that's probably the worst part of planning to leave.
Feeling sorry that you're going to "hurt" your husband. I think he can feel hurt, bc obviously he's so miserable with himself and life, and misery is an emotion. But, if I stay with him, I will be hurting (and so will my children) everyday for the rest of my life. I feel so strong now that I've decided to leave, but I haven't actually left yet, so I'm not congratulating myself yet - I'm scared of the emotional outfall and confrontation and of hurting him (and I do have some self esteem, just feel so sorry for him)
You've only been in the marriage 3 years although I'm sure it feels like 50 for you - congratulations on planning to get out so early! Good luck with your job search, stay strong, it seems like you do have more awareness and insight with regard to relationships with significant others, from your experience. So help yourself now - you've sure helped so many others on this board, including me! Thanks Echo! Take care of yourself