Hi all,
I don't know if this is of interest to anyone, but I just counted fifty nine rabbits, bunnies and hares in our living room, dining room and kitchen alone!

And I gave her more of them than I thought I had.
Then it dawned on me. I have a painting of two chickadees cuddling on a branch above a snowshoe hare that I was planning on painting for my wife as well.
Obviously it is my fault not hers if I feel like I'm being watched by wascally wabbits at all times.

Come to think of it Bugs Bunny is my favorite cartoon character. I have been projecting all this time. I'm the one with the bunny problem.
Bliz wrote,
When younger I alwasy dreamed of having the "great adventure" and doing exciting things, traveling all over the place by myself etc. I always loved, "exploring" outside in the woods, creeks, river banks, etc. I love a good hunt for things like artifacts. I still do all of these things and still love it.
Are those masculine things?
waiting for things to happen to you, having a ton of patience with things.
Are those feminine things?
Bliz, I confess crunching a beer can on your forehead or a good long belch I don't consider too appealing in a woman (or a man for that matter, although I'm pretty good at the latter), but exploring, adventures and hunting for artifacts seem like they are perfectly feminine to me. They seem gender neutral.
Likewise I know plenty of men who sit around waiting for things to happen to them and plenty of women who have about as much patience as a rattlesnake that forgot to pack his lunch. So maybe femininity is in the eye of the beholder?
This thread has made me think about a lot of stuff I had never given much thought to. I stick with what I said before, femininity and masculinity are basically mysteries to me. If you like who you are then tough maracas for what somebody else thinks is feminine or masculine.