It is so ironic, this public company just went through a long and very publicized campaign to get more money from the citizenry due to their dire financial situation. Has anybody seen that they still seem to have plenty of money to sue us? Of course not.
Hi, Bliz--
I posted awhile ago about a situation at work where something important was being taken from me by a dishonest person bent on winning at any cost. I got a lot of good advice, and ended up following two (seemingly opposite) pieces. They are:
1. Hit back with such a full force of intelligent gamewomanship that they don't know what hit them (or at least know not to trifle with you and yours any more), and
2. Do this so covertly that they never can say for sure that it was you in particular who did it, or what you did. When you see them in person, be just as polite as can be (not so much that they think you are being sarcastic). Act scared of them. Really worried about them. Then behind the scenes, wollup them.
I don't remember your gender, but I think you are female. If so, that helps tons. People often underestimate us.
As far as details, you will be able to figure them out better than I. Does the company have a publicist? If not, it would be good to have one. Do you know people who know people in the media? I am betting you do. Can't they, without any prompting from little old you, reveal some of the egregious stuff that's happening here? Or even the unpleasant stuff that might make the public mad?
Gag orders are usually pretty loosely written, and very loosely enforced. I get the impression people like them to keep from having to talk, but if they *want* to talk, they find a way. Your lawyer and publicist can help with this. I mean, there is talking and then there is making things known, right?
I would also look up examples of failed mergers and acquisitions on-line. There are a ton of them. Almost always the failure is because there was negative publicity about the taker-overs that made them back on off-- exactly how did that play out? You can always crib the tactics of others.
I do think inner peace is good at a time like this. So is being a tiger

It will feel better in the long run and will potentially save the business.
After the excellent advice I got here I was able to do much better with my situation. I haven't completely won yet, but I might, and regardless of the battle I am in a much better position in the war.