The fight is on, I can only be ready to defend myself aginst them. The benifits of having him gone, out weigh the trouble. You will have so much more energy to fight the up coming war. One battle at a time, will win the war. You will be surprized how much energy you have not dealing with the emotional rollercoaster.
I know angels are watching over my D and myself. I have found myself here with amazement and will continue to be positive about the future.
OR, try picturing every lawyer, judge, clerk, counselor, therapist, the guy who hooks up your phone, etc., I mean everybody as in on the story. Expect them to understand, see your H as he is and go out of their way to support you and your D. Have nothing but positive expectations and be surprised and sad for them when someone DOESN'T react the way you expect. I've been doing this some and it helps me to feel more confidant, hopeful, and energetic.
Now confronting this change, part of my reaction was plain fear of my wife and what she will do. What will she do when she feels like she has nothing left to lose? My biggest fear is that she will go back even stronger in turning my daughter and other family and friends against me.
She will have far less energy than you. She appears stronger than you because of your being sucked lifless from an emotional vampire.
WOW! You are right, and I didn't realize it. I get more energy every day, even the tough days like yesterday. She has been losing energy every day I have not let her take it from me. She may have a store set aside, but that will run out one day. Thank you for that observation. That's what I love about the people here, they continue to astound you with compassion and understanding.