Hello again Portia:
Only last week I told my H about another dream (I was shouting and raging at my mother and ended up repeatedly slapping her face, which in the dream, I told myself was wrong and shocking and felt awful about – just the slapping that is) and – he said “that would be a nightmare to me”.
Wow! No, no I said, that’s JUST a dream to me (like the one about the syringe).
Reminds me of years ago. I woke up pounding my X's chest with my fists. I was beating the crap out of my X mother in law.

He (X) was so drunk, he didn't even notice me wacking him to death!!!
I woke up while at the brink of murder!!
I was sooooo frustrated and angry with my X mil for all of her denial and enabling and Nish non-mothering of him, for all her selfish sick stuff that she had passed on to him, for all kinds of junk.....that I was beating the crap outta her in my dream!! And it felt good!!!

Until I realized it wasn't her.
And then it felt horrible

, to realize that pathetic state he was in and my......behaviour.... in my dream. Was that a nightmare??

I don't remember my perspiration level, only that it was a dream.
And two and two equals 153
Ya. Sometimes my math is like that too.
...But he’s dead and can’t try to control me any more. He was a sad person. She’s alive and a stranger, to me and herself.
Sorry for all of that Portia. No wonder you felt/feel angry enough to slap her in your sleep. Maybe it's a good thing.....getting that out in a dream. Better than doing it in real life eh?
I told myself it was wrong and shocking and felt awful about – just the slapping that is...
Did you believe yourself?

I told myself it was ok to do that in a dream but not in the real world. As long as the dream didn't start to become a habit, that is. Slapping her silly in a dream seems reasonable imo. Or you could jump up and down on her picture, or write her letters containing all you think and feel, or pretend a pillow is her and yell at it, while you're awake. It does seem like anger needing to come out, one way or another, I think.
The dream might be just a safe way of letting it escape???
But the brain will have its way it seems. These days I try and let it do what it wants to do and it surprises me Who the heck the ‘me’ is watching this is a good question, tho’ not a question that bothers ‘me’ much at all.
This sounds like a good thing....a healthy thing to do and an attitude to match. Good for you P!
Is stealing wrong?
Variable, I think. Depends on what's being stolen and why and by whom...are they even aware that they are stealing...maybe?? Basically.....it's wrong, I think, if it causes hurt/ is abuse. It's wrong to hurt/abuse.
If stealing = hurt/abuse then stealing = wrong.
Sometimes.....it may not be. Like you say, it can vary.
Do we allow people on death row the option of suicide? If not, why not?
This is a touchy topic for a lot of people but....I wonder...if it might be a bit of confusion about the definition of cruel and justice....mixing up a little here?
If the death row person was excessively cruel....is it right/just to be cruel back?
Maybe the answers will come in our dreams, P??