Author Topic: Dreams anyone?  (Read 57336 times)


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #75 on: April 13, 2005, 11:05:12 AM »
Hey mum,
How do you know what a lying, cheating bum dreamed? Cause he told you he did?
He probably told you that after either actually cheating on you or dreaming of cheating on you. :x
Good ol' projection, don't you know.
Either that or his brain is so screwy when he wants to cheat on his wife he dreams she's cheating on him. :?


mum as guest

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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #76 on: April 13, 2005, 11:23:59 AM »
Hey, mud: good point!  I think he really did dream this stuff, AND he was cheating on me at the time....and /or trying to throw me off the path so to speak.  AND who even cares (I got your point) as he lies, cheats, and berates as a matter of fact in everything. As my fiance says: there is NO truth in this  "man's" life: his mother didn't hug him enough, and his father didn't take him to the circus.


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #77 on: April 13, 2005, 11:28:20 AM »
Hello again Portia:

Only last week I told my H about another dream (I was shouting and raging at my mother and ended up repeatedly slapping her face, which in the dream, I told myself was wrong and shocking and felt awful about – just the slapping that is) and – he said “that would be a nightmare to me”.

Wow! No, no I said, that’s JUST a dream to me (like the one about the syringe).

Reminds me of years ago.  I woke up pounding my X's chest with my fists.  I was beating the crap out of my X mother in law.  :oops:  He (X) was so drunk, he didn't even notice me wacking him to death!!! :shock:
I woke up while at the brink of murder!! :shock:  :shock:

I was sooooo frustrated and angry with my X mil for all of her denial and enabling and Nish non-mothering of him, for all her selfish sick stuff that she had passed on to him, for all kinds of junk.....that I was beating the crap outta her in my dream!!  And it felt good!!! :shock:  :oops:   Until I realized it wasn't her. :oops:  :shock:  :oops:  :shock:

And then it felt horrible  :(  :?  :oops:  :shock:  :evil:  :oops: , to realize that pathetic state he was in and my......behaviour.... in my dream.  Was that a nightmare??   :?  I don't remember my perspiration level, only that it was a dream.

And two and two equals 153

Ya.  Sometimes my math is like that too. :roll:

...But he’s dead and can’t try to control me any more. He was a sad person. She’s alive and a stranger, to me and herself.

Sorry for all of that Portia.  No wonder you felt/feel angry enough to slap her in your sleep.  Maybe it's a good thing.....getting that out in a dream.  Better than doing it in real life eh?

I told myself it was wrong and shocking and felt awful about – just the slapping that is...

Did you believe yourself?   :shock: I told myself it was ok to do that in a dream but not in the real world.  As long as the dream didn't start to become a habit, that is.   Slapping her silly in a dream seems reasonable imo.   Or you could jump up and down on her picture, or write her letters containing all you think and feel, or pretend a pillow is her and yell at it, while you're awake.  It does seem like anger needing to come out, one way or another, I think.
The dream might be just a safe way of letting it escape???

But the brain will have its way it seems.  These days I try and let it do what it wants to do and it surprises me  Who the heck the ‘me’ is watching this is a good question, tho’ not a question that bothers ‘me’ much at all.

This sounds like a good thing....a healthy thing to do and an attitude to match.  Good for you P! :D

Is stealing wrong?

Variable, I think.   Depends on what's being stolen and why and by whom...are they even aware that they are stealing...maybe??'s wrong, I think, if it causes hurt/ is abuse.  It's wrong to hurt/abuse.

If stealing = hurt/abuse then stealing = wrong. may not be.   Like you say, it can vary.

Do we allow people on death row the option of suicide? If not, why not?

This is a touchy topic for a lot of people but....I wonder...if it might be a bit of confusion about the definition of cruel and justice....mixing up a little here?

If the death row person was excessively it right/just to be cruel back?

Maybe the answers will come in our dreams, P?? :wink:



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #78 on: April 13, 2005, 11:31:11 AM »
Hey Mum:

What a nutjob, huh??


Sure glad you're away from him now!!!




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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #79 on: April 13, 2005, 11:43:09 AM »
Hi Portia,
I missed you, good to see you back.
Do we allow people on death row the option of suicide? If not, why not?

I promised myself i wasn't going to weigh in on these 'big ethical issues' anymore, BUT just a quick point:
The purpose of the death penalty, whether you agree with it or not, is for the state to say, "you have done something so awful, we the people collectively, in order to protect ourselves, are going to take your very life from you".
If the criminal is then given the 'do it yourself capital punishment kit' option it kind of negates the whole point of the death penalty.

I myself am ambivilent on capital punishment.

Now back to the dreaming please.

GFN, hope this doesn't hijack your thread. If it does I'm swearing off big ethical issues for good, I promise. Cold turkey. :roll:



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #80 on: April 13, 2005, 12:49:34 PM »
Hey Mud:

GFN, hope this doesn't hijack your thread.

As if I care??  Go ahead and have a blast!!! :D Suits me fine!!

If it does I'm swearing off big ethical issues for good, I promise. Cold turkey.

Hey.....don't do that!!  Never!!  Turkey is most delicious served warm (imo).

Your opinions are as valuable/welcome/needed/helpful/thought provoking/interesting/important/worth their weight in any....especially......on big ethical issues!! 8)



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #81 on: April 13, 2005, 02:30:03 PM »
Hiya Mud, thanks for missing me and thanks for weighing in with your reply. I agree with GFN, state your views, voice it all :D why not? On that one I think I'm with the little Indian chap and 'an eye for an eye and the whole world is blind' kinda thing.

But I was pondering this very question of a DIY penalty the other day; like, why not, really really? I guess it's because it's a lesson of fear to everyone else - do that and this is the punishment you'll get. I don't like that - rule by fear - but I know it's what we've got. Principles versus cruel practical reality again. I might ponder it a bit more....goes off to ponder...quietly!

Sweet dreams tonight GFN and all, (trying to redirect hijack to original route :oops: ) Portia


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #82 on: April 13, 2005, 03:13:19 PM »
Hi Guys,
The only reason I am uncomfortable discussing 'big ethical stuff' here is because I'm afraid on some threads it diverts attention from the primary reason for the board, which is giving the voiceless a voice and helping victims of Ns heal.
Thats all I meant.



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #83 on: April 13, 2005, 03:49:03 PM »
Now Mud......I think the waters are getting all muddied up! :D  :D

Stating your opinion on whatever you want to state it on, when you feel you want to, as long as it's not intended to harm someone else.......

ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS part of the purpose of the board and part of having a voice and helping people heal.  Sometimes seeing that might give courage to those who have been silenced for a long time.  It might help them to start thinking about their ideas, their opinions, their feelings about things and maybe even inspire them to post.   It might help them to begin to feel like an individual again, rather than some extension of some one else???

Otherwise, if we all shrink around, being careful not to say stuff about big issues, about ethical junk, about reallll world stuff......then we will be simply a bunch of yackers, blabbing away about ...what's not really on our minds/in our hearts/clogging up our heads, maybe??

Plus.....we are all learning from eachother.  Every voice is equal and important and valid and deserves space.

Does that make any sense?? :?     Go ahead......speak.  It's ok. :D

(not just you Mud......but anyone who is contemplating.).

There's no law that I know of that states specific topics must be discussed anywhere here/or not discussed.  Is there?

 :wink: GFN


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #84 on: April 13, 2005, 03:53:43 PM »
Sweet dreams tonight GFN and all, (trying to redirect hijack to original route  ) Portia

Thanks and you too, have a lovely dream tonight, Portia.

Hijack....shmijack.  No worries.   :D



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #85 on: April 13, 2005, 04:13:29 PM »
Hello GFN,

Well, you make some excellent points. Perhaps I'll reconsider my position.

Maybe I'll just oxygenate my external gills in my little pool here awhile and ponder the wisdom from my cannuck friend of the north. :D  :D

At some point I may slither back onto the bank, barking my opinion to one and all. We'll see.

In the meantime GFN, some Canadians end every sentence with, eh or ay, not sure how it would be spelled. Do they do that when they're writing, eh? :wink: Probably not, eh?



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #86 on: April 13, 2005, 04:20:32 PM »
I had a nasty dream last night.  It was a bit too violent to describe here, I think.  It was one of those where you don't realise it is only a dream until long after you wake up, and try to ground yourself.

My psychiatrist said that I probably dream a lot, and I do, but mostly it is the same as being awake, only different, if you see what I mean.  But once in a while a nasty one comes along.

Went and cuddled up to daughter, and watched telly with her for a while.  Ok then.   :)


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #87 on: April 13, 2005, 04:26:48 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Hi Guys,
The only reason I am uncomfortable discussing 'big ethical stuff' here is because I'm afraid on some threads it diverts attention from the primary reason for the board, which is giving the voiceless a voice and helping victims of Ns heal.
Thats all I meant.


mudpuppy, don't forget, you are one of us "voiceless" here too.  If you self-censor to try to protect us, you don't give us any practice in standing up for ourselves. :)

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #88 on: April 13, 2005, 05:03:39 PM »
Hey Mud:

In the meantime GFN, some Canadians end every sentence with, eh or ay, not sure how it would be spelled. Do they do that when they're writing, eh?  Probably not, eh?

Oh for sure eh? (correct spelling).  I do it a lot too eh?    But not every sentence because it seems to somehow lose it's value.  We Cannucks are all alike eh?  Only in that way though (although....there are some who despise the expression and refuse to be real great white northerners by using it!! :shock: ).

My heros, Bob and Doug McKenzie would be appalled, or totally unconcerned, I think?  :shock: (If I can find a link....I'll post it on the "Anything" thread sometime).
Maybe I'll just oxygenate my external gills in my little pool here awhile...

Happy splashing to eh!! :D


Too awful eh?  Those kind of dreams seem sooo real and can be very upsetting.  Glad you feel better now.

Hope you have sweeter dreams tonite!!! :wink:



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #89 on: April 13, 2005, 05:08:20 PM »
Mum said,

As my fiance says: there is NO truth in this "man's" life: his mother didn't hug him enough, and his father didn't take him to the circus.

I can see why you love this man.  I think I love him too.  That is hysterical. :lol:  :lol:

The only reason I am uncomfortable discussing 'big ethical stuff' here is because I'm afraid on some threads it diverts attention from the primary reason for the board, which is giving the voiceless a voice and helping victims of Ns heal.

I truly enjoy these ethical discussions and all they bring to the table.  It also helps us learn more about one another and, as I think it was Stormchild said,  feel like you are having a big meal together as a family and sharing a good conversation at the table (or something to that effect).  This is part of our "voice" IMO, and will help in the healing process.  The more we know each other the more help we can be because we understand the hurts, sensitivities, beliefs, etc., that make us who we are.

So, in other words Mud, don't stop giving those ethical opinions.  Whether we agree or disagree it doesn't matter because we get to know more about you and you are what matters.

Thank you, GFN, for stating this very thing in your most eloquent way.

Sorry, I don't have any new dreams to report to get the thread back on track, but I do have a hot date tonight, so who knows. :wink:  :wink:
