Welcome Guest:
Please add my name to the list of people who are sorry they missed your thread until now and who are here for you and want to support you.
I don't want anybody to look at me, so I walk with my eyes on the ground.
Some of the people in your life, the situations, the experiences, etc have given you the impression.....the very deep impression, which you believe to be true.....that you are not worthy.
Not worthy of love.
Not worthy of children.
Not worthy of friendships.
Not worthy of even being looked at.
But Guest.......these are lies!!! Evil lies!!!
Bold and totally worthless lies, useless, wrong lies!!!
You are just as worthy of love as any other person on this earth. You just haven't met the right person to share your love with yet.
You are just as worthy of children, even if you have not had your own. Maybe some will come into your life? Maybe you'll decide to adopt? Maybe you'll decide that you don't want to adopt but that you can give your love to children by volunteering some place?(Is there an organization called: "Big Sisters" in your area? For girls who can benefit by the experience of a relationship with an older female?) Who knows?
I know you are not feeling up to this right now.....but maybe later?
You are worthy of friends. Just as worthy as anyone. The fact that you don't have many may simply mean you haven't met them yet. You may still. You may need a puppy or a kitty or a lizard??? Do you have any pets?
You are worthy of being looked at and being looked at with respect and kindness and understanding and even.....admiration!! You just don't know it! Because the impressions you have internalized, even though they are lies, are dictating your thoughts.
Take charge Guest!!! Don't let the b@#$%^*rd's win!! The lies you have been told about not being worthy, even if they were only told to you incidiously, are still lies!! And they must be over ridden.
Beauty is what's on the inside, not just the outside. And in the eye of the beholder. I can already see that you have a beautiful way of sharing. Your words are so honest. You have tried so hard to express your deep sorrow and then......did you feel guilty for doing that? Unworthy??
You are allowed to express your sorrow here, Guest and we will hear you.
Not having babies is not your fault. You can't control it. If you didn't feel ready or wanting, that was the right thing to do then. If you tried and did not succeed, there is a logical physical reason and it might be for the best. Your marriage is not loving and your relationship would be better to be a good one, which would make it a much better place to raise a child, right? That's ok. That can change for the better. It really can!! You don't have to stay there!!! You are better off on your own than in a relationship that is making you so sad that you want to end it all!!
You can leave but you don't have to die going.
There may be no religious reason to stop you but there is a very important reason to stop you.......
You reached out here to all of us. We are reaching back. Some people have even lost a night of sleep worrying over you. Many are here, hoping, praying for you, wanting to help you and give you hope.
We here are asking to know you, to hear you, to be your cyber-friends, to support you, to encourage you, to give you whatever we can to keep you with us....to share with you..cry with you, laugh with you (and you might end up laughing if you hang around here long enough)...we want to know you Guest!
Are you still there Guest? Will you hear us? Please come back.
You are not alone. We are here, waiting.