From what I know of myself, I don't think i have clinical depression. I just feel so lost and disconnected within myself. I don't really know who I am anymore. Does anyone ever feel this way? I feel like a wandering lost soul. Happy...what does that mean?? I haven't been happy for so long, that I've forgotten what that word really means.
Yes, I often feel that way.
Everybody has a different definition of "happy." I think, for me, that it has a lot to do with feeling usefully engaged in life and feeling that I have a choice in what I do. To tell you the truth, I have far more days when I
don't feel that way than when I do.
I think that for many of us, whether we are clinically depressed is a subjective judgment. I've never found it impossible to get out of bed, though I have spent whole days in my nightgown. I've never completely lost interest in life, though I have temporarily lost interest in
my life. I think the worst is when your own life feels like a not-terribly-riveting movie. You watch it, and you say, "Oh, so that's what happens to her." It's all happening to somebody else, or happening at such a distance that you don't feel you could possibly affect any of it. At least, that's how it is for me.
And I've been through the medication thing. For me, it raised the floor, but it did nothing for the ceiling. I didn't feel like I was doomed, but I didn't feel any more hopeful, either. So eventually I stopped taking it, for a very specific (and some might say silly) reason: It left me unable to play the piano. My hands shook so badly that I couldn't control them well enough to play at any speed. I really enjoy playing, especially when I am depressed. I find that it fills my mind completely, crowding out my tendency to brood. For the three or four minutes it takes to play a Bach fugue, nothing else bothers me because there is no room for anything else. I wasn't willing to sacrifice that to Zoloft.
So I am sympathetic to your skepticism about whether the "label" fits you. I firmly believe I have dysthymia--chronic low-grade depression--but that's an uninteresting label. Nobody writes books about it, and it's resistant to medication. So, basically, I'm stuck with it. As a result, I just don't think about labels very much.
What do you enjoy? What turns you on? What gives you a feeling of satisfaction or accomplishment? Spend as much time as you can with those things.
And tell me about them, if you want to. I really want to know.
Sending you good thoughts,