You're a good person, Portia. You have good qualities. You care about connecting with others and feeling and understanding and sharing.
I believe this GFN

. Thank you for saying those things. The connecting etc, it's hard work.
So then what's left is accepting her for what she is, trying to see what's good in her and embracing that, dealing with her on her level (which sucks because it isn't fair but it's probably the only way to relate with her/connect somewhat ). You choose to keep her in your life and I bet you will continue to feel better by gaining more and more understanding and doing your best to empathize, while deciding your reactions.
You said it so well!
If you can figure her out maybe you should become a nuclear physicist.
I’ve heard that
rocket science is actually very simple! So maybe…..maybe one day I’ll visit that Cern establishment in Geneva where they keep that mega-huge particle accelerator. I love that! Amazing stuff. And they do tours! I just want to have a look…
Btw I copied your unconditional love post, I appreciated it, I
understood it!
So we have to leave and find our luck somewhere else. Why forcing something that does not work? Why we just not move on to other happier and friendlier people?
I’m not looking for a mother elsewhere - after all, I’m not sure exactly what I’d be looking for? My problem was that I
was forcing something that didn’t work – for all my life until now. Once I stop forcing my mother idea onto her – bingo – I can accept her for what she is, rather than what she is not. She’s not a big part of my life, so it doesn’t seem to be a problem at the moment. It might be as she gets older, but we’re not there yet. I’ll have to see. Thanks for posting Samantha!
I have not replied to any of this thread before. I think I have found it hard to get past the title - too scarey.
Gosh why October? I meant it in ‘object relations’ type terms – the mother in my head, as opposed to the one who actually lives in the real world. The idea of my mother to me, and the idea that I wanted to change. I can’t change the real her, so I have to change the idea of her I have in my head. Is that scary?
people such as you and I trying to make sense, or find rationality or functioning, will try in vain.
I agree with you. So best to stop trying and concentrate on us! And treat them as the people they really are, rather than what we wish they would be. Being tolerant of them doesn’t diminish us, pretending to go along with their reality while we are with them might make all our lives easier. If we can’t do that, we need to stay away. I know there are some things right now I couldn’t cope with too easily with mine, so I won’t put myself in those situations.
Do you exist as a whole or part person outside of, and apart from, your relationship with your mother?
Yes. Ab-so-lute-ly!
How important is she in your daily life?
Practically, not at all important. In my head, I think of it as ‘this mother stuff’ meaning
all my childhood, but that’s not her. She isn’t actually in my daily life at all. Okay, I’ve had some electronic messages from her recently and I’ve replied, but it didn’t bother me. I reacted like you would do with a small child who wants things (I actually smiled at one ‘demand’ because it was so obviously a small child.) Give them what they want (within reason and my boundaries) and let them carry on exploring the world. But unlike a small child, she doesn’t need my protection so I don’t worry.
Does her affect on you hinder your life plans?
It has done. I don’t know what my plans are now. I have to keep grappling with step-dad’s effect on me a little more. Let myself be allowed to live. Allow myself what I want. I live with someone who has trouble allowing himself stuff too. We're like kids when we do allow ourselves things, like holidays.
Have you ever gone through any individuation therapy or individuation process?
Nope not before. Not at all. Honestly! I did just google the word and yep, that’s what’s happening to me. I can see it happening. I’ve been watching it for a little while, about 2 months? Don’t know. But there’s one occasion in that time when my mouth opened and this completely bland, level statement came out of it, in response to what I would have previously have responded to with a complete defence/attack reply. It would have been full on (and I felt that response but let-it-go). After this statement (“yes, you’re probably right”) came out of my mouth recently, I almost went into pleasurable shock! In-credible, and such a tiny thing, but so much (ball hits 1,000 extra points, side-lights light up, I love pinball).
Did she see you and treat you as an extension of herself, particularly when you were a small child, up to say the age of 8 or 10?
Yes. She still does! But and it’s a big but, I had my grandparents to let me know I was valued and separate. It’s not the same, but it means I’m here and not a complete mess. Also, rather than most of the time treating me as part of her, instead, most of the time: she treated me as
nothing, not existing. I think that’s because she pretty well felt she was nothing at the time. She wasn’t very well. She has many times looked at me as though she doesn’t know who I am, and even talked to me in those terms, jokingly. I guess because she doesn’t know who she is? Once at an adult party, my step-brother and I were sitting talking, away from the adults. We were both early teenagers. She looked across at us and said in a condescending way “who are those people over there?” smiling. I guess she suddenly realised I wasn’t her? Oh who cares!
I’m not my mother. Freedom of speech is an important antidote to Voicelessness I think. By talking we find out what we really think and believe. Then we can look at
why we think and believe what we do. And that’s fun! Because we can change those things.
Who am I? I still feel sometimes I’m a child in a world full of grown-ups. When that feels ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ I remind myself who’s telling me that and tell them to shut up.
Thanks for the questions Guest. I haven’t come back to this thread recently because I’ve become much more interested in finding out what step-dad (and Dad) tapes are playing in the background. I don’t believe anything left over from my mother, but I still believe, for example, that if someone values my work (I really dislike the distinction between work and play, work and life), I should be grateful - not thankful, not accepting but grovellingly grateful!! I know rationally that’s off, but emotionally? (Love it – 'me plus an unconscious nuisance disturbing to myself'). Recognising all this rubbish is great though. I can see where the garbage is sticking, so I can start cleaning it off. Chip, chip, rub, rub (I’ll be polishing soon GFN....maybe).
Thank you all for your posts. I couldn’t have done what I have done alone. Obviously