Author Topic: Abusive Noise  (Read 4859 times)


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Abusive Noise
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2005, 09:37:24 AM »
Hi Stormy! Sorry to hear you have such awful neighbours. :(  Hope you can get them evicted, sounds as if you've got a really good case. Take care and dream of the day when they move....
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage

Stormchild Guesting

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Hopeful News
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2005, 12:33:57 PM »
I heard from my landlord today, via letter. They were quite unhappy about the way their rental agent was treated by my downstairs neighbor [and they were just as unhappy about the treatment I have been getting, too; having their own staff experience it really proved to them I was telling the truth.]

They asked me to inform them immediately if anything else happens. I stopped by the rental office to thank the agent, and she told me that the couple are likely to move out soon (on their own) based on a discussion she had with them after they got their own letter.

Please keep me in prayer, because this is a vulnerable time. People can stew and then lash out. They could change their minds, or decide to be contrary and overstay their lease.

But I am grateful for the help I have received, and I am praying many thanks about that.

Also, the complex is having its parking lot resurfaced, so I will have to park in the public lot of the shopping center across the street tonight through Saturday. I've made arrangements with one of the businesses there to let me park behind their building [I told them it's because I have an old beater without an alarm system, and don't want it visible from the road; the real reason is so that my neighbor does not see my car unattended and experience temptation to vandalize it. The business owners are very kind people; I didn't want to cause them any undue concern.]

I'm not saying the guy would vandalize my car; I am saying that I have no certainty that he wouldn't, if the opportunity arose, based on how he's been with the noise when he thought there were no witnesses present.

My minister and his wife have agreed that I can park at their home if this doesn't work out [if others are already in all those spaces when I try to park there]. I'd need to take a cab back and forth, though, because they will be away.

So, hopeful news, but I have to be patient and tolerate some ambiguous stuff for awhile. I have booked a pet sitter for my first month back at work, so that my animals will have someone checking in on them in the afternoon, since this guy gets home before I do every day.

October, you will like this part: I was very anxious and strung up about all this and having trouble sleeping earlier this week. So I asked not only God as father, son and spirit, but also my dear heavenly human surrogate parents St. Joseph and Our Lady, to help me achieve emotional peace and clarity of thought to deal with these things. I was asleep before I could complete my prayer, and woke very well rested, and with my mind still in prayer.

thanks everyone. your support has meant so much.

hugs all

Stormchild Guesting Again

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Abusive Noise
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2005, 12:39:55 PM »
Wanted to post this separately. The parking lot where I live is full of trucks and jackhammers and guys in hard hats, and they've been prepping the asphalt since about 8 this morning.

Not only is this not bothering me in the least, I have been enjoying watching the heavy equipment. About an hour ago I walked across the street and bought a case of bottled water, shrink-wrapped, after checking with the rental office that they didn't mind me doing an 'act of charity'. Came back and handed the flat to the foreman, told him I knew they'd be doing hot hard work today. [Since I'm a total stranger to them, giving them the water wrapped and sealed should reassure them that I didn't mess with it.]

These guys are doing a job, and I'll benefit from it, along with a lot of other folks. Their noise is necessary and unavoidable. Part of life.


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Abusive Noise
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2005, 01:16:27 PM »
Stormchild - not only will the workers benefit from your act of kindness, you've got to know they will certainly take care to watch out for you.

Very awesome!


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Abusive Noise
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2005, 01:28:23 PM »
Ye gods and little fishes, cat... I never thought of that. thanks for a cheerful thought!

when I was in high school, long long ago, I used to put ice water out in the morning for our trash collectors, in the summer holidays. it just occurred to me today that these guys were doing something even hotter and more dehydrating than those good souls were, and for once I didn't have to go off to work, so I could do something for them.

they'll be getting bottled water tomorrow too. i'd decided that even before I saw the looks on their faces today. big old tough guys, grinning like cheshire cats, totally surprised and pleased, nothing wrong or inappropriate in their reactions at all.

it made me cry, but i waited till i got home to let go.


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Abusive Noise
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2005, 02:31:29 PM »
Does anyone else ever wonder how different the world would be if everyone in it behaved the way people here do? Not that anyone here is remotely perfect, just the consideration for other people that is expressed.

That was a really thoughtful thing you did Stormy. As an operater of heavy equipment let me tell you there aren't too many jobs hotter. Unfortunately I have yet to run into anyone delivering a flat of chilled water out in the woods. :(  Probably not likely to either. Glad they appreciated it.

Also glad your situation is looking up regarding your
downstairs brat-wurst. Hope he leaves and you get someone considerate.

By the way does anyone know what the root words of Pumpernickel mean? (Sorry, bratwurst made me think of pumpernickel)
Talk about going off on a tangent, but its pretty funny.  :lol:


Stormchild Gusting

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Abusive Noise
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2005, 07:12:27 PM »
uh, well, ask and ye shall receive:

... You know, even in Maine they must have dictionaries. This from Webster's:

Main Entry: pum ·per ·nick ·el
Pronunciation: 'p&m-p&r-"ni-k&l
Function: noun
Etymology: German, from pumpern to break wind + Nickel goblin; from its reputed indigestibility
Date: 1756
: a dark coarse sourdough bread made of unbolted rye flour

 ... All that having been said, the entry above doesn't convey matters as vividly as it might. Here's what Snopes has to say:

The true origin of "pumpernickel" is nearly as strange, if somewhat less savory. "Pumpern" was a New High German word similar in meaning to the English "fart" (so chosen because, like the word "achoo," it imitated the sound it described), and "Nickel" was a form of the name Nicholas, an appellation commonly associated with a goblin or devil (e.g., "Old Nick" is a familiar name for Satan). Hence, pumpernickel is the "devil's fart," allegedly a reference to the bread's indigestible qualities and hence the effect it produced on those who consumed it. ( ies/pumper.htm) 

On the one hand you have to admire the Germans for their honesty. On the other hand you think, people eat this stuff?

Straight Dope Science Advisory Board

and for those of you who would like the URL to this [I expurgated it, heh]:


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Abusive Noise
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2005, 07:28:55 PM »
A Goblin breaking wind;
now we're talking abusive noise. :shock:  :P  :twisted:


Stormchild Gusting Again

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Abusive Noise
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2005, 07:39:30 PM »
Yep. See how your subconscious was actually right on the track of this thread?  :shock:


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Abusive Noise
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2005, 10:23:17 PM »
stormy that was so cool of you to be nice to the work-guys. didnt write before (my computer crashes at weird times, mostly when im replying to things) but ive been wishing you luck with the neighbor thingie. sounds like you are having good fortune... my fingers have been crossed and are still...:}}  .... ... ...