Another week down and I am feeling better. Have strung several non-sobbing days together and feeling more in control of my out of control life and thinking that this whole mess is going to be better for me in the long-run, just like everyone has been telling me from day one. Got a is lousy but there are a lot of hours to be had (50 this week) so I can make it on my own, thank you so much. My formerly dearly beloved has contributed 175.00 this month to the care and feeding of his former family and told my son he took his new family to Milwaukee to the IMAX theatre..not a cheap fieldtrip by any means..while pleading poverty and responsibilties for ox-woman's bills to me....oh, plan is to situate myself so whatever child support he is ordered to pay by the courts is money that I don't count on for survival..that way I don't have to get nuts worrying about it and the state will pursue it for me. The IMAX fieldtrip was really a good thing for my head..underlined and put an exclamation point on his skewed priorities and who and what I am really dealing with. Amazing how someone can so completely absolve themselves of responsibility and caring in such a short time. He's doing incredible damage to his relationship with our son, but either doesn't see it or doesn't care. Not my job to figure it out or fix it for him anymore either. He walked away from two other kids from his previous marriage, so maybe it gets easier as you jettison more children. My son, fortunately, has a pretty sound sense of reality and while he is hurt, just chalks it up to his dad being an idiot. So anyway..that is life in the fast lane and wanted to give you an update and still more thanks for how you guys are helping me through this oh-so-special moment in my life. Wiish