Author Topic: The Wolf  (Read 3100 times)


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« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2005, 12:51:37 PM »

    I didn't think I was looking for anything personally, but I get it.

    Bear with me, I translate most feeling things into chakra terminology because it helps me with inner geometry or geography if you will.

      Bunny you talked about temper tantrums and I said, yes that's what it looks like in the belly the power place, but that's not it.

       Portia, you described it perfectly  in your last paragraph (if I knew how to pull quotes in here I would have pulled it in here). That is how I want to  tranform it in my heart space.

       What I get here is that I stayed "retarded"in transforming this primary impulse into temper tantrums etc. When the time to work this stuff out in its natural unfolding process , I got stuck with the original big form.

        When I was a teen, it looked like this. In social situations, I was painfully aware that I had nothing to say but would silently demand my right to be included in the group.  There were no words and there was a seething inner stubbornness that must have leaked out through my acquiescent outer demeanor.

         I'm almost afraid to ask what does it look like in the 2nd chakra, the emotional, sexual place. Is  the transforming process different for men and women?  Will seeing all this help me loosen the "voice pipes"?
Your thoughtful responses seem to be doing that already.


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The Wolf
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2005, 01:50:02 PM »
Lobo...First of all, apologetically, I am not in a good mood today.  Secondly, your symbolic use of the word wolf is entirely inaccurate.  I have worked with them and know.  Wolves do not express rage in any way.  Thirdly, I can't understand what you mean if you have to use "chakra" terminology to describe it.  There's just a bit too much parsing going on.  I don't know chakra...I do know actual experiences.  If you have to couch your questions behind your favored philosophy, then I think you need to know that I, at least, cannot understand them and cannot address them which is the purpose of being on this board is about (at least to me).  For me, it takes a bit of bravery and humility to be able to talk to other people about our real life experiences.  Humility is the more important.  I would really like to help but I just don't understand what you want....sorry!  I get a very uncomfortable feeling reading your posts that you are trying to rationalize your rage. in the guise of trying to "describe" that true?


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Re: aha
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2005, 02:22:24 PM »
Quote from: lobo
What I get here is that I stayed "retarded"in transforming this primary impulse into temper tantrums etc. When the time to work this stuff out in its natural unfolding process , I got stuck with the original big form.

Primary impulses are raw affect unmitigated by social conventions or empathy for others. It's infantile, raw need. There is no time, no space, no transforming. Just the affect in the present moment.

When I was a teen, it looked like this. In social situations, I was painfully aware that I had nothing to say but would silently demand my right to be included in the group.  There were no words and there was a seething inner stubbornness that must have leaked out through my acquiescent outer demeanor.

Yes it probably did leak out. Good perception.

I'm almost afraid to ask what does it look like in the 2nd chakra, the emotional, sexual place. Is  the transforming process different for men and women?  Will seeing all this help me loosen the "voice pipes"?
Your thoughtful responses seem to be doing that already.

I've read this 3 times and am fairly baffled. Can you reword it?



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The Wolf
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2005, 03:10:21 PM »
hey there, i have to agree im havng a slightly tough time understanding what you are asking for exactly...... i also think that any exploration of why we have trouble expressing our 'voice' must of necessity include some exploration of whatever it was that took that voice away or suppressed it in the first place, i think it will be difficult to explore voiceleness without trying to understand what it was that took our voice, becuase voicelessness is not a natural condition to have.

im mainly writing though to agree with dogbittles and share a quote from a book that i love very much, which is called 'women who run with the wolves' by clarissa estes phd.

this book is for women, but may easily have some interest for men as well:

she says:

"the title of this book, (women who run with the wolves - myths and stories of the wild woman archetype) came from my study of wildlife biology, wolves in particular. the studies of the wolves canis lupus and canis rufus are like the history of women, regarding both their spiritedness and their travails.

"... healthy wolves and healthy women share certain psychic characteristics: keen sensing, playful spirit, and a heightened capacity for devotion. wolves and women are relational by nature, inquiring, possessed of great endurance and strength. they are deeply intuitive, intensely concerned with their young, thier mate and their pack. they are experienced in adapting to constantly changing circumstances; they are fierce and stalwart and very brave.

"... so, the word 'wild' here is not used in its modern pejorative sense, meaning out of control, but in its original sense, which means to live a natural life, one in which the criatura, creature, has healthy boundaries.

"... so, in order to apply a good medicine to the hurt parts of the wildish psyche... one has to name the disarrays of the psyche accurately... A healthy woman is much like a wolf: robust, chock-full, strong life force, life giving, territorially aware, inventive, loyal, roving..... the wild nature has vast integrity to it."

this is what i think of when i think of wolves myself. also i think that anything cold and frozen in the center of ones psyche strikes me as being emotional scar of some sort..... as healthy uninujured psyche is flexible and warm. if there is somethig there that is cold and frozen that to me is representative of some injury, id be interested to find out what the injury was, and then working to soften the scar, or work around it, to have better emotional functioning...



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real time
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2005, 08:15:15 PM »
Bunny, the place of no space no time no transforming sounds like the place I thought was real, when in fact the acting I thought I was doing was real life. That will take some absorbing. Rereading my question about second chakra and Dogbits comments, it sounds like claptrap to me too.

Anna thanks for that description of a wolf, That sounds so whole. I would hope to be able to experience that feeling.

Mudpup. If this is a safe healing container for people who have been hurt to the Nth degree, beyond my infantile degree of comprehension, and I am taking attention away from those who need that attention to heal, then I trust your antenna for such things. I withdraw from this forum, with apologies and thanks.