Hi Write:
I believe that if we can learn to be pessimistic, because of having negative experiences, then we can also learn to be optomistic, by finding some positives....looking deeply....at events/experiences/people etc.
After all, thinking negatively/pessimistically or positively/optomistically, are simply ways of thinking. For me....my way of thinking is my choice. I can decide to think whatever way I want.
I choose optomistic/positive much of the time. Not all of the time but as much and often as I remember to remind myself to do so...or, after recovering from negative experiences (which even during those, sometimes, I tend to think fairly positively/optomistically...again...by choice and effort).
I really believe that we can unlearn or relearn, teach ourselves or be taught....new things, new ways of looking at things, new ways of reacting, dealing, thinking about stuff. We have that ability and it can be put to whatever use we decide. It may not be easy, sometimes, because the world looks bleak and we are in pain....which needs to be dealt with..but... there is a silver lining in every cloud. However, these linings don't jump out and tap us on the shoulder. We have to seek them out.
Just my thoughts.