Hi Mati and everyone:
One of the ministry team was a lovely woman in her seventies. She took me under her wing for the weekend and fussed over me like a mother hen. It was the first time I had ever felt cared for. I felt mothered ...
Wow!! That sounds wonderful! Sounds like something many might find soothing and welcome. Ya know, that's not a bad idea, in a way, a sort of mother-therapy.
I mean, don't we all need to feel loved and cared for and fussed over sometimes, especially when we are suffering??? Man!! I would love to see a clinic with hug therapy and mother therapy and laugh therapy and really odd but possibly really useful stuff like that and more happening!!! That might sound really strange and weird but I bet people would come out of there feeling great!!!
When my heart hurts I need to feel loved. More than anything, more than any pill, or any therapist, or anything else....that love works wonders.
That's one of the reasons I love my dogs so much. They are always available and willing to love me, no matter what.
Children and adults from much more primitive societies where the babies stay close to thier mothers are found to be much more secure.
Makes total sense to me. Too bad our society has the almighty dollar and material wealth as priority. It's a catch 22 for many. If mom works, kids emotional needs suffer but they are happy when they can have the expensive whatnots that all their friends are having. If mom stays home, kids don't even realize that their emotional needs are better off and feel ripped off when their parents can't afford the whatnots. I know people like Dr. Laura say it's something anyone can do......stay home with their children. But has she ever lived in poverty.... I mean really had to struggle just to put food on the table for her children? I'm not sure what she means...all single mothers should go on welfare maybe?? Any two income family is doing their children a disservice maybe? Everyone can work from home maybe???? I think it's easy to judge from a pedistal. On the other hand, it is most likely true that people who carry their children around on their backs, from 10 minutes after birth, raise more secure people. Too bad our society doesn't allow for women carrying children around on their backs (or dads for that matter either).
Can you imagine???
Welll....just rambling away here Mati.
Hey October! Sorry you edited your post. I didn't get a chance to read it. Oh....doesn't matter...it's whatever feels best for you. I already believe you are a fantastic mom!! I really do!! Your daughter is lucky to have you (and vice versa I'm sure).