My story is very much like your own. I have a brother who although he is in his 40's, he manipulates our N mother at every turn. She pays his bills, gives him money, he won't work, etc.. Now she never does this for me, her daughter and wouldn't even think of doing it. Not that I'd want her to, but just like you, i think to myself, "Gee, it would be nice if she'd help me out once in a while. After all, I am the one who is there for her ALL the time at her beckon call.
She does NOT respect me, I have not set healthy bounderies with her either so she feels she can take advantage of me and walk all over me at all times, some of this is my fault. Yet I have tried not being at her beckon call and I'm the bad one!
She tries to instill guilt in me and says stuff like "I wondered why you were'nt down here yesterday!, etc..
She gives this brother of mine ANYTHING he wants, he is older than me and as I said, he is using her and she doens't see it!
Bliz, i very much understand where you're coming from but what can we do about it i wonder....???
The one thing i know is true for me as Ive already said is that I have NOT set bounderies with her at all.....I am enjoying this discussion