Hi All,
I went to court this morning for the finalizing of the divorce. I had great concerns of breaking down which I absolutely did not want to do in front of him.
The good news is, I never even came close. I looked at him on the stand and I was actually able to smile and think Thank God its over. I actually thought he looked really bad. He's gained back all the weight that he originally lost for the OW and then some. The chins are in the triple category right now. He appeared very downtrodden, but that may have been just an act.
I however, looked fabulous, thin, blond and ready to start the next phase of my life. I arrived in my new (to me) cute little convertible (too cold to put the top down) that I bought myself as a early birthday present.
I think I am going to be just fine, but I don't think I can say the same for him.
Three dear friends are taking me out to dinner tonight to "celebrate." I wasn't sure I would be able to term it that originally, but now I feel it is the perfect word.
Blessings to you all and many thanks for all the support you have given me. There is certainly more rough road to travel, but its getting smoother and I'm beginning to see the rainbow on the horizon.