Jophil: you are not alone with this. I say this not to diminish your individuality or to invalidate your very real pain. I say this because I have found such support on this board, form realizing I am not alone. Mia and I have the same ex (I swear, Mia, it's so scary!) and Brigid and I have married and divorced two N's each (of varying Ntypes) and many of us have children to be concerned with and on and it helps me feel less alone to share here.
The father you describe sounds horribly like my ex's (father of my children) own father...right down to the military stuff and the wimp/codependant mother, who is now a wreck after his death.
My children a product of this dysfunction as a father....and he is determined to parent just this same way, right down to "hiring" a co-abuser/co-dependant (his current wife).
I really am so sorry for your pain, but you are seeing it and not running from it and that is huge!!
It occured to me, in reading your post, that "naming" this personality (of my ex) has helped me tremendously. It was my own therapist who did this. And putting a name on this put me on a road to healing. I don't understand why your therapist is such a wimp about naming things.
I, personally, hate labels....I hesitate to label anyone, however, this particular thing/disorder, would only be hidden still from me, or still be so hard to learn from and get away from if I had not found that it has a name.... And besides, I see labeling as somehow losing identity and protection....and why on earth would I still be protecting my ex after the unbelievable stuff he has done to me and our children?
I am currently reading the book: "People of the Lie" by M. Scott Peck. In it he talks about "naming" and what he does is to go as far as NAME malignant narcissism as EVIL. He makes no excuses for doing that and my understanding is that he took a lot of flack for it. But in the case studies he describes as examples (with adolescent "identified patients") so eerily describe my ex and what he does to our children, that it is shocking, yet somehow validating for me.
That you are here, looking for answers, reaching out to find information, describes a person who IS NOT DOOMED in life. A person who has identified his pain, and is seeking to learn from it. THIS is why you will heal. Keep going. Keep exploring why things feel this way to you, and you will find the answers. The life you deserve awaits. Fantastic.
By the way, the N's NEVER seek to find out what their misery (which is what they always feel) has to tell them. Never. It's toooo deep and tooo hard and they are the biggest cowards of the human race.
YOU are brave, my friend!