I hope that your girlfriend is truly sorry and that her future actions/behavior towards you reflect that. We all screw up from time to time...some more than others. Next time she acts up just tell her...Look, I'm feeling particularly bad and don't need to hear all the financial crap. If you don't stop I'll be hanging up momentarily. I don't wish to be tortured with this as I have so much going on right now.
Thanks, Mia. I really appreciate your concern. B phoned this afternoon, which was a bit annoying as I needed not to talk to her yet. I felt it was really up to me to initiate contact now.

I only answered the phone because I thought it would be my aunt calling about our visit to her.
B was very sorry, and very apologetic, but would you believe wanted to offer me money every month until things are straight.

Needless to say, I said no, very firmly. I said we have enough, thank you. The issue is not to keep looking for more and more, because nobody can ever reach that point. The issue is to understand what enough means, and we have enough. I would not take money from a friend, because that would change the dynamic of the relationship completely. Also, there is a saying that every gift has its price, and I am not for sale.
I told her she has issues relating to spending money, and to having to have everything new around her all the time. She agreed with that comment. I said that perhaps I also would like everything new all around me, and that is not an option, so it is very hard for me to listen to her rationalising relandscaping her garden just because part of her needs it to be new, or buying her daughter a new bed, when the one she has is perfectly serviceable and not 5 years old, or a new car because the one she has needs an mot.
Anyway, she got called away, which was good for me, because it was too soon for me to discuss these things with her. She has promised to try to get to know me, and what I need, a little better, so that looks positive.
Meanwhile, I am looking out for those wonderful people passing me by.

(Present company excepted, of course.)