October, you have been agood friend to me, and i know exactly what you are saying, most of my so called good friends have vanished since i had my breakdown, and truthfully none of them even know or have asked why, so thats so called friends for you, and as for the money side, with not working now, i am basically living hand to mouth, ive got no debts all bills get paid and theres always food in, but there is no money for anything else, i get told i should go out socialise again with friends etc, what with i ask myself, its my sons 18th in june and my daughters 21st in july plus my other sons 22nd, any bits of money that is spare is being saved 4 these things.
David, my ex as you have probably gathered, and my so called friend now is a bit like that were money is concerned, i dont think he realises what he says sometimes, the other week it was his daughters 18th birthday, so he takes his 3 daughters, his EX wife and himself out for a meal, to the cost of £300 that would feed me and my kids and my pets for a month, i know it was a special occasion, but thats just 1 example of the kind of things he does, maybe not deliberately rubbing mt nose in it, but he knows times are hard for me, so i know exactly how you feel, when the chips are down, it shows who your real friends are, and now i think ive only got 1 and a half true friends