Dear Cadbury:
Good for you for getting some of that out! You needed that! And the world didn't collapse, even though you blew up!!
He isn't like a normal human being.
You got it. So don't worry so much about him, his reactions, his inhuman behaviour.
Whatever is best for you and baby is what matters, right?
He will need to know about the baby's name some time. Maybe, it would help to devulge this information with other people around to support you?
People who you trust and who he won't act out so easily infront of?
It doesn't have to happen today. There is lot's of time. Take care of you and your child first and foremos and for now.
I suppose I should just stay distant and hope for the best instead of worrying about the what ifs all the time.
This sounds like a good idea to me. What's the worst thing that could happen? What's the worst what if? Figger it out and then make a plan for it. Then.....forget it......because the chances are the worst possible thing that could happen....... probably won't.
It's hard to completely give up worrying. One thing I tell myself is....."worrying is a waste of time and energy".
It's true eh? What gets fixed by worrying? Notta thing! Planning and action are what work best, right?
So....plan. If this happens.....I'll do this or that.
If that happens......I'll do that or this.
Maybe even write it all down? See some worries that are a bit too extravagent? Have a written plan for the realistic things that are causing you the most upset/worry.
It's all fear. Worry is letting that fear take control.
Planning is walking past the fear.
And then there's hope. Please hold onto your hope that things will work out. You and your son will be fine! You can and will protect him! You are a great mom and you will make good decisions, as they need to be made!